NY Giants Surprise a Navy Vet with His Very Own Service Dog

At Sunday's game against the Patriots, the NY Giants gave one very deserving veteran the surprise of his lifetime, in the form of his very own service dog.

Watch the following heartwarming video to see his reaction.

36-year US Navy Veteran John Mulvey - who served in Desert Storm, Haiti, the Gulf Wars, Iraq, Afghanistan, and during 9/11 recovery - was surprised with a service dog named Storm.

The NY Giants shared the touching story to their TikTok account and people are finding it so touching.

@Jaelo commented, "The Paws of War. I’m extremely emotional now. Thank you for your service, good sir!" @Layla adds, "That dog was trained well. So calm and already making sure his owner wasn't overwhelmed." @Kellz responds, "To hear his list of tours.. nine tours. this man has seen things we can't imagine. we owe him so much. thank you for your service sir" @Dasoooner responds, "Storm said: you're my human now. I got you." @JoJo sweetly says, "Oh gosh. Storm went straight into his arms. He knew he was home. Thank you sir. Now it’s time for you to be taken care of!!" Truer words were never spoken!

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John suffers from challenges in the form of brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Storm can help him navigate the world and provide comfort to this American hero. Service dogs provide those in need with greater independence and quality of life.

This is Why Service Dogs are so Important for Veterans

A service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Service dogs can help veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by waking them from nightmares, interrupting flashbacks, creating space around them in public places to reduce anxiety, and providing devoted companionship. For veterans with mobility issues, service dogs can help veterans with everyday tasks. Things like turning lights on and off, opening doors and drawers, retrieving dropped items, and more.

The Paws of War website, which helps pair veterans with service dogs, explains in their mission statement, "To honor and support our veterans, active military members, and first responders with services that enrich their lives through the rescue and training of service dogs for independence, adoption of companion animals, rescue of overseas animals in war zones, and other essential services to assist our heroes in need."

We are so thankful for John and Storm and we're so grateful for the wonderful service dogs making a difference in the lives of those who've given us all so much in service to our country. We know these two are just going to have the most wonderful life together.

If you would like to make a donation to The Paws of War website, you can learn more here. 

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