Nutrition Expert Shares Healthy Fast Food Swaps To Save 'Hundreds' Of Calories At McDonald's, Chipotle & More

chipotle and mcdonalds
chipotle and mcdonalds

Fast food has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, offering convenience and accessibility in our busy schedules. However, the convenience often comes at a cost, with many fast food options laden with excessive calories, unhealthy fats, and high levels of sodium.

Fortunately, there exists a myriad of healthy fast food swaps that can help mitigate these concerns, allowing individuals to enjoy the convenience of fast food while making more nutritious choices. By making simple substitutions and opting for lighter alternatives, it’s possible to save hundreds of calories without sacrificing flavor or satisfaction.

TikTok creator Blake (thenutritionnarc), who boasts over 398K followers on the app and posts health and wellness content, shared the healthy fast food swaps you can make that can save you ‘hundreds’ and ‘thousands’ in calories.


Chipotle, renowned for its customizable menu and emphasis on fresh ingredients, offers a spectrum of options ranging from healthy to less nutritious fare. On the healthier end, customers can opt for protein-rich choices like grilled chicken, steak, or tofu, paired with a variety of vegetables and fiber-rich options such as brown rice or beans.

Blake shares his recommended order at Chipotle that can save you so much calories.

“At Chipotle, a burrito can easily be 1500 calories. The tortilla alone is 320 calories, I’m not joking,” he says. “The tortilla alone is like a small meal. Swap that for a burrito bowl and get this exact meal instead.”

His healthier order is a burrito bowl with chicken, no rice, half and half beans, double fajita veggies, corn salsa, regular salsa, and a generous amount of lettuce.

“This is gonna be 460 calories and 45g of protein,” he notes.


Starbucks offers a range of options that can align with a healthy lifestyle when chosen wisely. By making mindful selections from the menu, customers can enjoy nutritious and satisfying options.

“Instead of getting that milkshake you call coffee, try getting a venti iced coffee with a sugar-free vanilla for only 5 calories. Another option is an iced sugar cookie latte with almond milk and two pumps of sugar cookie syrup,” he suggests.


McDonald’s menu offers a wide range of options, encompassing both healthy and unhealthy choices. On one hand, healthier options such as grilled chicken sandwiches, salads, and fruit parfaits provide customers with lighter alternatives rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. However, the menu also features items high in calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats, such as double cheeseburgers, large fries, and sugary beverages. These choices can contribute to overconsumption of calories and may lack the nutritional value needed for a balanced diet.

“If you’re going to McDonald’s, instead of getting a full Big Mac meal for 1,350 calories, get the same Big Mac meal but with Diet Coke and medium fry. That way you can still enjoy the meal while being conscious of the calories,” Blake says.

Panda Express

Panda Express can be a healthy dining option when customers prioritize choosing the right ingredients. By focusing on lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains, individuals can create balanced meals that are rich in nutrients and lower in unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates. Additionally, being mindful of portion sizes and opting for lighter sauces can help control calorie and sodium intake.

“A two entree plate can easily be 12, 13, 1,400 calories. But, a fantastic macro-friendly plate created by, yours truly, is super greens, teriyaki, chicken, and Beijing beef for 540 calories and 40g of protein,” he says.