Nursery Organization Tips Every New Parent Needs

Books for children are so colorful and full of life. Take advantage of their playful covers by displaying them on a library wall stacked with narrow shelves. Nursery storage baskets at the bottom collect your child's favorite reads for easy grabbing. You'll have a bookworm in the family before you know it!

Animal House

You can't have proper baby room organization without a home for stuffed animals. Corral furry friends in an open basket pushed neatly under a desk or counter. Your crawling tyke will be able to reach their favorite plush toys and learn at a young age to put toys away after playtime.

Growing Old

It's tough to find nursery organization ideas that grow with your child. Try to fill a baby's room with furniture that you can reuse around the home. A wood dresser for baby clothes storage can become an antique chest for dining room dishware, and a cozy chair for Mom and baby would look lovely in the living room.

Whimsical Wildlife

Nursery rooms should be bright and bold to encourage imagination. Playful shapes in this room turn a storage basket into a friendly elephant, and a window-side wood chest doubles as a baby closet organizer for seasonal clothes storage. Playful stuffed animals add pops of color against a rich navy backdrop.

Diaper Drama

Your own changing table will make the dirtier tasks of parenthood a little more tolerable. Invest in a unit that has plenty of drawers and space to stash wipes, diapers, powder, and other necessities. A smooth surface is ideal for quick cleanups after inevitable accidents. When your newborn becomes a potty-trained toddler, this changing table becomes a great nursery closet organizer for clothes and toys.

Shelf Life

Maximize your baby storage ideas by creating an entire wall of shelving. Proudly display creative knickknacks and favorite books to boost your child's curiosity. Keep plush toys and stuffed animals down low to promote independent playtime. Swap out toys and decor over time for a wall that grows with your kid.

More Labels

Labels come in handy with toddlers running around. Identify shelves to keep diaper supplies, extra sheets, or favorite blankets in order. With a system this easy, even the babysitter will be able to keep the baby closet organization intact.

Pegboard Solutions

We are big advocates for pegboards. These versatile surfaces can change as much as you do to hold important things you may need on hand at all times. Keep pacifiers, creams, and cloths within reach when you need them most.

Baby Nook

Ignoring awkward nooks in a room can make you lose precious space. Instead, embrace slanted ceilings and tight spaces as cozy reading corners for you and your baby to relax in. This pillow-top bench doubles as toy storage with room for labeled bins beneath.

More Storage and Organization Ideas