The Numerology Meaning of the Last Day of the Year 12/31/23

123123 Date Numerology Meaning

The last day of 2023 marks the opening of the 12/31/23 portal, a numerological date that symbolizes the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. In numerology, this date on the calendar offers a rare alignment to manifest your dreams. For starters, the date 12/31/23 can be read in sequence forward and backward (123123 or 321321), giving this day a double dose of power! Adding up the date 12/31/2023: 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 14, which reduces to 5 (14 = 1 + 4 = 5), resulting in a dynamic and spontaneous energy. With the last day of the year also taking place on a Sunday, the stars offer an opportunity for a complete energy reset. Monday, January 1, 2024, is the start of a new day, new week, new month, new year, and new everything; perfect time to tackle your New Year's resolutions.

What Is the 12/31/23 Portal in Numerology?

The 12/31/23 portal is a unique cosmic event taking place on the last day of 2023. Reading the date 12/31/23 reveals a sequential number that reads the same forward and backward. This energetic gateway symbolizes a full-circle moment in your life. The numbers 1, 2, and 3 are very powerful numbers in numerology that can help align you with your soul calling. The number 1 symbolizes the optimism and potential of a new beginning; the number 2 represents symmetry and balance; and the number 3 embodies the spirit of expansion and enlightenment. Together, seeing the repeating number 123 means you're discovering a sense of inner peace as you prepare for an exciting new journey ahead.

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The Astrology of the 12/31/23 Portal, Explained

The final numerology portal of 2023 is upon us, and two different retrogrades will end as we welcome the new year. Jupiter will station direct ahead on December 30, 2023, and just one day later, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will end on New Year's Day, January 1, 2024. Astrologers and numerologists agree that the energy on this day is perfect for getting your energy "unstuck" as you re-evaluate your goals for the coming year. When luck planet Jupiter was retrograde, it was a chance to discover the beauty of your current situation. Now that the planet of good fortune and expansion is moving forward again, you feel bold enough to live on your terms. Mercury's retrograde ends on January 1, 2024, encouraging you to take a calculated risk. As Mercury, the planet of communication, goes direct, the stars align to show the quickest path toward turning your desires into reality.

READ THIS: The Best New Year’s Eve Drink To Ring In 2024 for Your Zodiac Sign.

How to Manifest During the 12/31/23 Portal

During the first week of 2024, there is an abundance of prosperity and possibility. Take this opportunity to dream big and review your goals for the coming year. Once you have a clear idea of your desires, you can use this special numerology ritual below to claim it!

Find Your Personal Year in Numerology

In numerology, every calendar year is linked with a Universal Year number that corresponds to a single-digit number between 1-9. This number represents the energy that the collective will experience as a whole. Although the year may feel different for each individual, you can use numerology to gain insight into your personal future by identifying your personal year number. Like astrology, numerology illustrates the continuous cycle of life and the various stages of spiritual growth. By calculating your personal year number for any given year, you can find which stage of the cycle you are in for the new year.

How To Calculate Your Personal Year Number for 2024

To calculate your personal year number, add the day and month of your birthday to the year you want to calculate. Numerology involves reducing any double or triple-digit numbers to a single-digit number. To do this, you add the digits together until you end up with a single digit between 1-9. For example: If your birthday is February 2 and the year is 2024, that looks like 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 12, which reduces to 3 (12 = 1 + 2 = 3). This means the personal year for a person born on February 2 for 2024 would be 6. You can unlock the secrets of the Universe by calculating your personal year number each year.

Personal Year Meanings: Your Purpose and Theme for 2024

Your personal numerology is constantly changing, just like the movement of the stars. To understand what the new year has in store for you, calculate your personal year number and refer to the list below to learn about the themes shaping your life in 2024.

  • Personal Year 1: action, independence, and confidence

  • Personal Year 2: compassion, balance, and harmony

  • Personal Year 3: creativity, self-expression, and imagination

  • Personal Year 4: loyalty, organization, and strength

  • Personal Year 5: optimism, open-mindedness, and freedom

  • Personal Year 6: support, nurturing, and responsibility

  • Personal Year 7: ambition, power, and legacy

  • Personal Year 8: wealth, success, and leadership

  • Personal Year 9: spirituality, humanity, and oneness

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