November’s Full Moon in Gemini Has Everyone Talking–Here’s Why

Gemini Full Moon 2023

On Monday, November 27, 2023, at 4:16 a.m. ET, the full moon in Gemini will illuminate the sky, and this is one lunar event that will have everyone talking.

Full moons provide an opportunity to connect with your inner self. These lunar events, which occur every month, carry a lot of emotions and can help you access your intuition. If you're looking for answers to your problems, this month's full moon can help you uncover the hidden truth. The cycle that began back during the new moon in Gemini on June 18, 2023, is coming to a close, and this month's full moon is asking you to be content with the answers you get. Some problems don't have a solution or you're not ready to accept what's being communicated. Most answers come when the timing is right, and you can't rush divinity. Instead of endlessly searching for a sign that you're on the right path, this full moon wants you to get comfortable calling the shots, even if you're still finding your voice.

Keep reading to see what the full moon in Gemini has in store for your zodiac sign.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon in Astrology

Full moons have a magnetic and mystical aura surrounding them, and for good reason. A full moon represents the peak of fullness and illumination, symbolizing a moment of completeness. It marks the halfway point of the lunar cycle, which takes 28 days to move through each of the moon's eight phases. Each lunar phase carries a unique energy representing a different stage of the spiritual growth cycle. A full moon occurs when the sun and the moon oppose each other in the sky, marking a period of reflection. In astrology, the sun symbolizes the heart and ego, while the moon represents the core of your being. When the moon opposes the sun in the night sky, it's a chance to separate your ego from your emotions. Full moons are infamous for bringing things to light that have been hidden or ignored, so stay open to new perspectives and information.

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What to Expect From November's Full Moon in Gemini

This month, the full moon in Gemini will form a square aspect to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and a tense conjunction with warrior planet Mars. When Mars (aggression) and Saturn (karma) get involved in the emotional affairs of the moon, you should watch what you say. Neptune will send rumors flying through the sky, but that doesn't mean they're all true. And if you start repeating things without fact-checking them first, you could end up paying the price. What complicates this full moon is the instability of Mercury preparing to station retrograde at the end of the month. This pre-shadow period lasts for three weeks and will slowly contort communication.  During the days leading up to and following the full moon, your objective is to mind your own business and avoid petty drama.

This full moon in Gemini makes a t-square with Mars and Saturn, limiting the ability to manifest. Not only could your words get misconstrued, but you're also less likely to get a favorable result from your spellwork. A t-square occurs when three planets in the same modality (i.e., cardinal, fixed, or mutable) put pressure on one another. And while each of these planets is fighting to get their way, the planet at the apex will always win out in the end. Saturn in Pisces is at the apex of this full moon t-square, making it the one to pay attention to. You have a choice between weaponizing your emotions (moon), activating your anger (Mars), or turning the other cheek (Saturn) during conflicts this week; choose wisely. It's best to focus on practices that encourage emotional healing and self-reflection.

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What Does the Gemini Full Moon Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?

The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will feel the influence and conflict from this new moon the most directly. So, keep your ideas to yourself unless you have something important to say or valuable to add to the conversation. During this full moon, there is a heightened urge to assert dominance and control. It will be tempting to get involved in what's being discussed, especially because you have plenty to say on the matter. Rather than get caught up in a conversation going nowhere, you're being called to trust your inner compass. The truth has been in you all along. You don't need approval from anyone else to validate what's right for you. As the full moon closes out a cycle that began just before Venus retrograde, you're learning to pour love back into yourself.

Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) can make the most of this full moon by making physical changes to their space. If you've been feeling stuck or unmotivated lately, it might be a good time to declutter and create a fresh start. It can be overwhelming to start from scratch, but creating a safe and comfortable space for yourself is important. Don't hesitate to ask for help from someone close to you who understands what you're going through, as they can help ease some of your burden. The full moon forms a soft trine placement to transformative Pluto in Capricorn. Amidst the chaos, there is clarity in what needs to happen next. Don't waste your breath arguing with people who don't understand your journey. Embrace the people and communities who celebrate it.

Finally, fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) should thank their lucky stars that this full moon is skipping over them. None of the major aspects during this lunation involve fixed sign energy–which is probably for the best. As a fixed sign, you like to do things your way, but this full moon in Gemini has the power to alter the perception of reality. You may be enlightened about certain things over the next few days and advised to proceed with caution. Not everything is as it seems, and whatever is being brought up is a test of your ability to be discerning. The things you choose to endorse or speak about hold weight this week. If someone tries to pull you into their mess, avoid getting involved unless you know all the facts. Consider yourself an observer of what's unfolding this week.

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