Not Feeling 2023? The Energetic New Year is Giving You This Cosmic Buffer to Start

Not Feeling 2023? The Energetic New Year is Giving You This Cosmic Buffer to Start

On January 1st, you may have eaten the grapes, cheered with champagne and made 12 wishes, but perhaps you're not feeling the "kick" of the new year yet.

As 2023 rolls around with the energy of Mercury and Mars retrograde, the cosmos is sending a clear message to us all: you don't have to move forward all the time, it's okay to focus on yourself, review and restore.

Truth is, although we collectively celebrate New Year's day on January 1st, the energetic new year doesn't roll around until the Spring Equinox with the start of Aries season. So, if you're not feeling your resolutions yet, take the breath of the cosmos and learn to embrace it.

Getty Images Young woman on New Year's Eve.

Having Mercury retrograde end 2022 and start us on a new year is also a chance to review what goals you had set for yourself previously. Are they still relevant? Achievable? Do they align with your future goals and plans for 2023? You can hone the wise energy of Capricorn to reflect upon these structures in your life without pressure.

With the added buffer of Aquarius and Pisces season helping us finish the energetic year and all planets going direct by the end of January, you'll also feel the energy shift and flow easier by the end of the month.

As New Year's happens during the winter season, it's also important to remember the basic principles of this period: rest, restoration and reflection. Even though society may be pushing you to take action, the intuitive nature of the cosmos and the earth show us that there is power in taking a step back, planting your seeds and waiting for them to grow.

Getty Images Plants growing from the earth.

On March 20, the Spring Equinox will come through with Aries' fire energy to help you ignite your dreams' flame. If you're ready to start now, go for it; otherwise, the universe always offers you another chance to start.