This Is Not A Drill: Our Easy + Healthy Air Fryer Bookazine Is Out Now

Photo credit: Carlos Dominguez
Photo credit: Carlos Dominguez

The air fryer is a staple in Team Delish's kitchen—and for good reason. This tiny-but-mighty appliance does all the heavy lifting so you can get crispy and crunchy snacks without extra oil or extra mess. If you love using your air fryer as much as we do, you NEED to pick up a copy of our newest bookazine.

In our latest bookazine, Easy + Healthy Air Fryer, you’ll find 76 new recipes to make for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even dessert. The Delish team is full of air fryer experts who have serious opinions about the best way to get super-crispy chicken and what veggies you can transform into a fry (avocado just might be our favorite).

Inside the issue, you'll learn how to replicate your favorite takeout dishes at home, make a bakery-quality birthday cake, and even boil an egg— no water required. We've got plenty of crowd-pleasing snacks that will win over guests at your next party, but we won't judge if you eat it all yourself. It's the ultimate destination for all things air fryer.

You can also find fan-favorite and all-new recipes, tips and tricks to maximize your air fryer's potential, and photos (of food, obviously) that are guaranteed to make you SO hungry.

The Easy + Healthy Air Fryer issue is available right now in grocery stores, on newsstands, and wherever else you get magazines (like Target or Whole Foods).

Let's fire up that fryer, shall we?

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