Not to Be Dramatic, but You Definitely Need One of These Beach Tattoos

Not to Be Dramatic, but You Definitely Need One of These Beach Tattoos

Whether you live on the coast or you’re super into tropical vacations or you just love to daydream about drinking mai tais under a palm tree, beach tattoos are the way to go. With an island-inspired tattoo, you get all the things you love about the beach (the ocean waves, the pretty seashells, and the cool marine life) without that stuff you don’t (hot, sticky sand and, uh, sunburns). And the best part? Unlike a beach vacay, these tattoo designs will last forever. So if you’re thinking about getting a tattoo for the first time or you’re looking to add to your growing collection, consider getting one of the below tattoo ideas or forever be ~salty~ that you didn’t.

(Khadija Horton/@bluestonebabe)

Ummm, yes to all of these.