Northstar Bike Park Announces Opening Day For Summer 2024

Northstar Bike Park is a popular bike park near Lake Tahoe in Northern California.

Recently, Northstar announced that they would open for bikes on June 14, 2024.

Norhtstar is perhaps the most popular bike park in the region, which is a popular tourist destination for people from the Bay Area.

The Enduro World Series came to race at Northstar in 2019, where the Legend of the rock garden still lives in infamy.

Northstar will open its bike park relatively late in the season. This is because Tahoe receives a large amount of snow each year that takes a while to melt. In fact, in 2023, some of the area resorts had so much snow that they stayed open for most of the summer.

Northstar has received 341” of snow this year and has a current base of 108”, so dry bike trails are a long way off. For now, riders in Tahoe have to wait to ride or travel to lower elevations.

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