North America's Lone Summer-Only Ski Area Closes Unexpectedly

Beartooth Basin, Wyoming is North America's lone summer-only ski area with lifts typically spinning from Memorial Day Weekend throughout June.

Unfortunately, Beartooth just announced minutes ago that they're closed for the season barring more snow from Mother Nature. Check out the post below:

Caption: "Beartooth Basin is Closed. We had an awesome run, but Mother Nature has not cooperated as of yet. We are up there doing work, and if by chance we get new snow, we may open for a bonus weekend this upcoming weekend. Fingers crossed! Thank you all for the love and support."

Beartooth's season is entirely determined by Mother Nature, and it appears that the warm temps and rain have done a number on the ski area's snow base.

Beartooth states on their website that only a "...few feet of snow will allow them to reopen."

That's not impossible considering Beartooth's summit sits at 10,900 feet above sea level, but don't hold your breath. The weather forecast shows precipitation in the future, but it's unclear at this moment if it will fall as rain or snow on Beartooth.

Credit: FACEBOOK/Beartooth Basin Ski Area
Credit: FACEBOOK/Beartooth Basin Ski Area

This was the first time Beartooth was able to open in two seasons. Last season was cancelled entirely due to a poor snowpack, and the season before was hampered by problems with one of the ski area's surface lifts.

To say Beartooth has had a challenging few years would be an understatement.

I'm hoping that Mother Nature/Father Winter throws them a bone next season so they can get back on track. They need it!

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