Normani Kordei Attends High School Graduation

"She kept saying how proud she was, and how much she loved us."

High school graduation is undoubtedly an exciting day, but for 17-year-old Gabriel Lowell, the event was even more momentous because one of his favorite celebrities was in attendance: Normani Kordei.

Interestingly enough, this wasn't the first time Gabriel invited the Fifth Harmony singer to a high school function. The senior from Pearland, Texas tells Teen Vogue that he actually reached out to Normani back in November to invite her to his prom in a video. "She ended up seeing the video and loved it, but unfortunately couldn’t come due to her schedule," he explains.

As luck would have it, Gabriel and his best friend Gabby Villuendas are "extreme fans" of the singer, and have actually met her before. They recently learned that Normani reportedly "felt really bad about not being able to go to prom," and so she bought a ticket to their graduation instead.

But Normani didn't just watch the two seniors get their diplomas; she spent time with Gabriel and Gabby at the ceremony as well. "She is the sweetest person ever and cares about her fans so much," Gabriel tells Teen Vogue. "She kept saying how proud she was of us and how much she loved us." He adds that they tried to keep her appearance under wraps as much as possible, but once his classmates saw the pictures on social media "they really freaked out."

And Gabriel's classmates weren't the only ones freaking out; other fans flocked to his Twitter page to let him know how lucky he was. At the time of writing, his post about Normani attending graduation has garnered over 2,000 retweets and more than 6,500 likes. "It feels so amazing to see how much support not only we are getting, but also how people are realizing how amazing of a person Normani is," Gabriel says, adding: "My Twitter has not stopped freezing since I posted the pictures."

Given that this wasn't the first time Gabriel and Normani met, the 17-year-old has some advice for other "extreme fans" who might one day come face-to-face with their idol. "Talk to them and have a personal conversation," he suggests. "That’s what’s going to make them remember you, and it’ll make the experience that much better. Enjoy it, and they will too."

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