Is the nor'easter coming to New York City?

If you thought that the start of a new month meant we were moving away from winter weather, think again. There’s a nor’easter headed for the East Coast, and this one’s not messing around. Say hello to Winter Storm Riley. You might be wondering, where is this winter storm going to hit? Is the nor’easter coming to New York City? Well, we’re sorry to say it, New Yorkers, but yes — Winter Storm Riley is headed your way. And fast.

How exactly will the nor’easter affect New York City? Winter Storm Riley will likely develop during the evening on Thursday, March 1st. It will begin with strong winds that will intensify come Friday, March 2nd. How strong exactly? The Weather Channel reports that winds could reach 60 mph, and even over 70 mph outside of the city.

There will also be heavy rain on Thursday evening that gives way to heavy snow come Friday and Saturday. And if you’re just outside of the city on Long Island, be warned that coastal flooding is a possibility. Homes, businesses, and parking lots near the coast could experience flooding, and roads may close.

How much snow will New York City get?

Western and central New York are expected to get the most snow. The Weather Channel reports that 8 to 12 inches is possible. And further upstate, well over a foot of snow could accumulate. But as for New York City itself, there probably won’t be much snow, if any. Just a looooot of rain and wind.

It’s going to be a wet and windy nor’easter for New Yorkers.

So stock up on plenty of food, water, and supplies, and prepare to stay inside all weekend long. Winter Storm Riley looks like it’s going to be a wild one. Stay safe out there!