OK, You Don't Like Ranch Dressing, But Non-Americans, What DO You Like About American Cuisine?

Not long ago we asked non-Americans to share the American foods or parts of American food culture they didn’t like…and, as it turns out, there were a lot!

"Ranch dressing"
Jeff R Clow / Via Getty Images

American bread? They did not like it! Boxed mac and cheese? They thought it was even worse! And our portion sizes? Absolutely ridiculous, they said.

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
Lauripatterson / Getty Images

Well, ok. Maybe we do have some weird food and food culture. But it can’t all be bad, right?

Screenshot from "The Office"

So here’s what we want to know, non-Americans: What American food — or part of American food culture — do you actually like?

Maybe, for example, you have to admit bacon on a burger is actually delicious.

closeup of a bacon cheeseburger and fries
Chas53 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Or maybe you visited New Orleans, tried a Po’Boy sandwich, and couldn’t believe how good it was.

a Po-Boy sandwich
Kcline / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Let’s see. Maybe you were pleasantly surprised when you tried s’mores? Clam chowder? Buffalo wings? A California roll?

Clam chowder
Lauripatterson / Getty Images

Or…maybe what you really love is getting your drink refilled over and over at an American restaurant (usually) for no extra charge!

Whatever it is you like about American cuisine or food culture, tell us what it is, why you like it, and what country you're from! Leave your answer in the comments below (or via this anonymous form) and you could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!