‘Nobody wants to listen to four minutes of someone’s agony’: how the 9/11 Museum divided New York

An Osama Bin Laden poster at one of the Museum's recent exhibitions - Spencer Platt
An Osama Bin Laden poster at one of the Museum's recent exhibitions - Spencer Platt
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Judging by the emails in Steven Rosenbaum’s inbox, New York’s 9/11 Memorial and Museum is having regrets about letting him do a fly-on-the-wall documentary about its creation.

In making The Outsider, the director spent six years chronicling the Museum’s curators’ discussions as they agonised over how to build a fitting monument to the world’s worst terrorist atrocity. And perhaps unsurprisingly for such a sensitive subject, not everyone is happy with his final cut, which premieres (on Facebook) today.

“We just got an email an hour ago, saying they still want a scene taken out,” Rosenbaum tells me, referring to a sequence in which the Museum’s staff mull over whether the exhibits should include a recording of a phone call from Melissa Doi, one of those trapped inside the burning Twin Towers. He adds: “They say it is disparaging.” (The Museum disputes this phrasing, and say they find the scene “exploitative and disrespectful” of Doi.)

The scene shows Michael Shulan, the Museum’s “creative director”, listening to Doi’s words as the South Tower’s 83rd floor is engulfed in smoke. “We can’t breathe and it’s very, very, very hot,” she tells an emergency-services operator. “I feel like I’m dying.”

Doi’s four-minute call conveys the visceral horror of 9/11 just as much as the images of the so-called “Falling Man”, seen plummeting from the North Tower’s upper floors. But as seen in the documentary, Shulan deems it too much for visitors to handle. “Nobody would want to stand there and listen to four minutes of someone’s agony,” he concludes.

Given that Doi’s call is already in the public record – it was used in the trial of 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, and remains on YouTube today – Rosenbaum is baffled by the Museum’s insistence that the footage of Shulan listening should be taken out.

“That scene is critical,” he says, “because it encapsulates what every curator at that museum was struggling with – this hard-to-listen-to, difficult material. Of who or what is it disparaging? What troubles me about their pushback on that scene is that it shows how much they misunderstand editorial freedom.”

This, though, is one of the milder controversies in Rosenbaum’s film. At its centre is the clash of visions between Shulan and the Museum’s director, Alice Greenwald, who nurse very different ideas of how the Museum should be. Should it reflect one single accepted narrative, focusing on that single horrific day when 3,000 innocent lives were lost? Or should it, as Shulan argues, ask questions about America’s wider role in the world, and why it was deemed a target, even if it was by fanatics?

The museum had to grapple with ethical dilemmas - The Outsider
The museum had to grapple with ethical dilemmas - The Outsider

This is an issue with which America is still grappling now, as the Taliban retake Afghanistan only weeks ahead of the 20th anniversary of 9/11. But according to Shulan, who left the month the Museum opened in 2014, his bosses had already made their mind up. As he puts it in the documentary: “I joined the Museum to create a story with open questions, but time and again, my sentences had their question marks replaced with periods [full stops].”

Admittedly, the Museum’s sheer scale meant there was always going to be scope for disagreement. Costing £400m, it features 70,000 artefacts, from huge mangled skyscraper girders through to victims’ salvaged personal effects: ash-dusted wallets, keys and Metrocards.

Survivors and rescuers’ stories are told with the help of thousands of amateur images from the day – a reminder that 9/11 was one of the first major world events of the digital age. Shulan was an expert in these images, despite having no background in museum curation. A novelist by calling, he had helped to set up an impromptu exhibition of crowdsourced photos in the days after the tragedy, which saw him become an authority on 9/11 photography.

The 'outsider', and the museum's former creative director Michael Shulan, who quit on the day the museum opened in 2014 - The Outsider
The 'outsider', and the museum's former creative director Michael Shulan, who quit on the day the museum opened in 2014 - The Outsider

Greenwald brought him in as an outsider to challenge New York’s museum establishment, although the final decisions were hers. Rosenbaum, meanwhile, was given access to make the film in return for giving the Museum’s archive 500 hours of 9/11 video collated during a previous documentary he had made about the event, 7 Days in September (2002).

Much of The Outsider’s value comes not from watching stand-up rows – the museum world is a polite one – but simply watching the curators grapple with ethical dilemmas. Should the Museum feature photos of the 9/11 hijackers themselves, for example? Does its narrative about al-Qaeda make it clear that most Muslims have no truck with terrorists?

And what about the gift shop, which sells merchandise bearing logos such as “Love is stronger than hate”? It helps the Museum to pay its bills, but is condemned as tawdry by some victims’ relatives.

Ultimately, though, claims Rosenbaum, the main faultline is about the Museum’s failure to address America’s wider role in the world, particularly its complex history in the Middle East. “I do think that if you go to the Museum and come out feeling angry and belligerent and nationalistic, and don’t have any complex feelings about that day and the future, then [the curators] haven’t done their job.”

Yet many Americans might argue that there is a fine line between providing “context” and implying that America somehow provoked 9/11. And even if such debate should be had, a museum that is also a memorial to the dead is perhaps not the place to host them.

Lee Cochran, the 9/11 Memorial Museum’s spokeswoman, told The Telegraph: “The film looks at the Museum through a very specific ideological lens which we do not share. At a moment when so many institutions in the US are subject to ideological and partisan divisions, the Memorial & Museum must remain a sacred space that seeks to educate and unify.”

Referring to the Museum’s complaint about the scene featuring the recording of Melissa Doi’s voice, Cochran added: “[These are] the last minutes of this woman’s life, which we decided not to include in the Museum out of respect for her family. Just watching people listen to that is difficult.”

The Museum, she added, was also using wider educational programs addressing more “difficult” contextual topics, such as Islamophobia. Meanwhile, the “conversation” that Rosenbaum hopes the film will spark about the Museum will be one the whole world can join. The film’s release on Facebook tomorrow will be the platform’s first-ever paid film premiere, and there will be a guest discussion panel afterwards.

Rosenbaum says he has invited Greenwald to take part, but has not heard back. Perhaps she simply wishes to avoid a social-media bearpit. But Rosenbaum says he is “puzzled”. “If someone wants to have a public conversation about that institution, do you want that conversation with you – or without you?”

The Outsider is released via Facebook on August 19