No One Deserves This Labor Day More Than Women—Too Bad They Can’t Take Off

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Sure, women aren't just the backbones of their families, but as we celebrate Labor Day, we should acknowledge that women are also the backbones of our economy and our country. Despite their importance, it is clearer than ever that our economy is not working for them. For women—particularly women of color—the challenges that have always existed are only getting worse. Women are disproportionately shouldering the burden for their families as the pandemic rages on.

Just take a look at the child care crisis we are facing today. As a little girl, what I wanted more than anything was to be a teacher, and I got the chance to live that dream. I loved teaching, but with two little children, child care was a constant struggle. One night my Aunt Bee called from Oklahoma to see how I was doing. I broke down and started to cry, and the words tumbled out: "I'm going to quit my job." Then she said eleven words that changed my life: "I can't get there tomorrow, but I can come on Thursday." She arrived with seven suitcases and a Pekingese named Buddy—and stayed for 16 years. I wouldn't be where I am today without her.

But decades later, this crisis is even worse. High-quality, affordable child care was already hard to find before the pandemic, and now parents are stuck, worried about whether schools can safely reopen and facing even fewer child care options. At the same time, providers have been pushed to the brink, with more and more of them closing for good every single day. And essential workers—who are more likely to be women and women of color—face greater uncertainty finding reliable, safe, and high-quality care during this crisis.

It didn't have to be this way. Millions of women are struggling because President Trump didn't have a plan to address this global health pandemic. Months later, he still doesn't. Over 180,000 Americans have died, millions of people are out of work, and too many women are struggling to put food on the table for their families and to keep a roof over their families' heads.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris know we can't go back to the way things were before this crisis. We have to build back better for working families everywhere.

A Biden-Harris administration would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, and take other steps to achieve equal pay, invest in women-owned small businesses, and address discrimination and harassment in the workplace. As part of their economic recovery plan, they would pass legislation to make it easier for workers to join a union and bargain collectively.

Joe and Kamala understand that child care is part of the basic infrastructure of this nation—it's infrastructure for families. They have a plan to guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave, ensure every family has access to high-quality, affordable child care, and make preschool for three-and four-year olds available to everyone. Their plan also treats early childhood educators—who are more likely to be women and women of color—like comparable public school teachers, raising their wages and providing stronger benefits, workplace protections, and training opportunities.

America's women are getting us through this crisis. They deserve a break, a chance to get ahead, and an economy that works for them. Donald Trump doesn’t get that, but Joe and Kamala do. They will stand up for working women and rebuild our economy to make it work—not just for the wealthy and the well-connected that Trump is looking out for, but to make it work for everyone.

There's so much at stake for women today. As we approach November 3, we have the chance to make real change, but only if we come together, organize together, and persist together. So, please visit today and make a plan to vote early, and together, let’s build a better future for all of us.

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