NJ parent writes book on raising transgender child in family of faith

Jamie Bruesehoff used to tell her oldest child, Rebekah, to put away the glittery hair clips before they went to church on Sunday. It was the one place, she wrote, where she felt her daughter must hide who she was: a young transgender person.

The parent of three found some useful resources to help her understand and support her transgender child. But very little of the material discussed the intersecting lives of families of faith who stand by their gender-diverse children.

Eight years after Rebekah socially transitioned, New Jersey-based Bruesehoff published a book so that the resource she needed finally exists for others.

The hair clip recollection is a sample from Bruesehoff’s new book, “Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children.” It’s intended for adults who work with young people and parents who are “learning to love and support their child in this journey,” she said.

“One of the biggest lessons that we learned from raising our daughter is listening to the young person in front of you, trusting people when they tell us who they are and really being humble and willing to learn,” Bruesehoff said.

Jamie Bruesehoff used lessons from her own experience raising a transgender child, who collaborated with Bruesehoff on her new book "Raising Kids beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children."
Jamie Bruesehoff used lessons from her own experience raising a transgender child, who collaborated with Bruesehoff on her new book "Raising Kids beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children."

The book incorporates practical advice, personal anecdotes and thorough research. Rebekah collaborated closely with her parent — she had final approval on every word. When she read the final manuscript, Bruesehoff recalls, her daughter told her, “You really are saying what people need to hear.”

The now-16-year-old wrote the book’s afterword, and transgender Delaware state Sen. Sarah McBride penned the foreword.

“That was really important to me, as someone who doesn't navigate the world as a trans person, to have my words situated between and bookended by trans people,” Bruesehoff said. “Obviously, the entire thing is informed by not only my daughter but the many trans and nonbinary and gender-expansive people in my life who have taught me so much and continue to teach me.”

LGBTQ+ topics and theology

Rebekah stood by her parent's side at lectures given to crowds of hundreds. Jamie Bruesehoff is an award-winning speaker and an LGBTQ+ advocate who has spoken across the nation about similar subjects she shares in her book, namely LGBTQ+ topics and theology.

New Jersey LGBTQ+ advocate Jamie Bruesehoff's book “Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender Diverse Children" is out now. Using personal anecdotes and research, the author advises parents like her who are raising transgender children.
New Jersey LGBTQ+ advocate Jamie Bruesehoff's book “Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender Diverse Children" is out now. Using personal anecdotes and research, the author advises parents like her who are raising transgender children.

Both Bruesehoff and her spouse hold advanced religion degrees. Her faith informed her writing, but her book provides “universal” information about supporting young transgender and gender-expansive people, Bruesehoff said.

“Good parenting for my trans daughter is just good parenting,” Bruesehoff said. “I think there's a lot to be taken from how we create a world where all people can show up fully as themselves, regardless of whether they're a part of the LGBTQ+ community or not.”

Sharing stories of hope and honesty

Over the past year, libraries and school districts nationwide banned or considered excluding many books that discuss LGBTQ+ topics. As members of a very public family that has long advocated for LGBTQ+ rights, they’ve seen and know to expect some pushback. The day after the book became available to the public, it was mentioned critically in the far-right publication Breitbart.

But this “landscape” is exactly why society needs Bruesehoff’s book, she said.

“When I see people share stories of joy and positivity and hope and honesty, it can be harder for those detractors to really find something to dig their teeth into or to get the traction they're looking for,” Bruesehoff said.

“Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children” is available now from Broadleaf Books.

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: NJ parent book talks raising transgender child in family of faith