Nine ways to banish fear when returning to skiing after an injury

Don't let an injury or bad fall stop you from enjoying the slopes - This content is subject to copyright.
Don't let an injury or bad fall stop you from enjoying the slopes - This content is subject to copyright.

Ski or snowboard for long enough and chances are you’ll take a knock-back at some point, whether it’s a serious injury or a humiliating wipe-out. This can take its toll psychologically - it’s all too easy to focus on the negatives and before you know it you’re up against a mental block that’s hard to shift.

“At a neurological level the physical shock and negative emotion that can arise from a fall is held in the sympathetic nervous system - the part that’s responsible for driving energy,” explains Phil Johnson, sport and performance psychologist for British Ski & Snowboard, which manages Team GB athletes. “It literally gets frozen there and doesn’t release.

“This blocks the communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and prevents us from solving the problem. It is a literal mental block.”

The first time back on snow after an injury, you’re likely to feel nervous - here’s how to move past the fear and negative thoughts that might sabotage your comeback.

1. Acknowledge the fear

Science shows that giving a label or a name to feelings – a technique known as ‘affect labelling’ - helps distance an emotion. Acknowledging that the feeling holding you back is fear shifts brain activity from the amygdala (the emotional centre of the brain) to the prefrontal cortex (the ‘wiser’ part of the brain), allowing you to think rationally.

whistler canada - Credit: mike crane
Think rationally and you'll get the most out of your experience on the slopes Credit: mike crane

2. Harness stress

So it’s your first time back on snow. Heart pounding? Palms sweating? Feeling jittery? Tell youself this stress response is all good. If you convince yourself it’ll helps prepare you, heighten excitement and make you perform at your best, then perform you will. Believe your reaction is debilitating and you’re going to freeze with fear, and that’s what will happen.

This is according to research from Harvard University showing that when it comes to the stress response, what you expect is what you’ll get. Believe the stress response is positive and it will work for you.

Tips for nervous skiers

3. Control the controllables

Say you’re at the top of a difficult looking slope and it’s making you nervous. Don’t focus on ‘what ifs’ that are out of your control - like “What if I fall and lose a ski”. Concentrate instead on the things you can control, such as turning as you’ve been taught or focusing on pole planting.

Panicking about ‘what ifs’ has been shown to lead to what’s called ‘threat state’, when blood vessels narrow, reducing blood flow to areas including the brain. Focusing on what you can control helps create a ‘challenge state’ - when stress helps motivate and fuel you by allowing blood to pump around more easily.

4. Fix what went wrong

Working out the fundamentals of what went wrong when you wiped out can help you move past it and give you something concrete to work on. Were you going too fast? Did you lose your balance? Lose focus? “Practically, if you know what went wrong you can begin to adapt through improved technique and a return to easier slopes to correct the issue, ideally under instruction or with a more competent skier,’” says Johnson.

Top tips | How to prepare for the slopes

5. Accentuate the positive

Resilience is like a muscle - you can strengthen it through practice. So instead of dwelling on what went wrong, remind yourself of all the times things went right - remember the sense of achievement you got from mastering your first blue run, mogul run or freestyle trick.

Also think back to other times that you’ve picked yourself up and moved on after a setback. Our brains are naturally wired to pay more attention to negative events than positive ones but, when you think about it, positive experiences happen more frequently. The key is to notice and appreciate those positives.

Pay attention to the positives when skiing

6. Start small

Build up confidence slowly, with support from friends or family. There’s no shame in going back to basics on easy greens, blues or whatever you feel comfortable with. On a skiing or snowboarding holiday, don’t put yourself under any pressure; the aim is simply to have fun.

“Return to the slopes gradually, accepting that you may experience some fear and anxious thoughts,” advises Britton Brewer, psychology professor at Springfield College in Massachusetts. “At the same time, remind yourself of why you are there and what you hope to accomplish.”

7. Help someone else

Move the focus from yourself to someone else and research shows you’ll both benefit. When you show compassion, your body produces more of the hormone oxytocin, which lowers heart rate and blood pressure and shifts activity away from the brain’s emotional centre to help you think more rationally.

8. Enjoy the mountains

Drink in the surrounding vistas and breathe in that fresh air – just being outside in the mountains can help. Not only has spending time in nature been shown to help you think sharper, feel calmer and ease anxiety, research published in the journal Psychological Science found that looking at awe-inspiring views is a surefire way to get a mental boost.

Jenny Jones
Winter Olympian Jenny Jones performs mindfulness exercises to help her technique

9. Ask for help

If you’re still feeling the fear, specialist therapists can help, whether with traditional counselling, or new techniques such as ‘brainspotting’. Brainspotting works on the theory that where you look affects how you feel, and Phil Johnson and Olympic snowboarder Jenny Jones made use of it to psychologically clear her chequered injury history.

Therapists help people look in a direction that help them access bad memories and associated negative emotion, and make them less harmful. “The memory of your accident or fall is held primarily in the amygdala, one of the main ‘feeling’ parts of the brain,” says Johnson. “When you have a shock, and freeze, this causes the right rational and left emotional brain to become disconnected for that specific memory, so it doesn’t resolve it.”