NikkieTutorials Just Subtly Shaded Pat McGrath

If there's a hole in your heart that can only be filled by YouTube beauty drama, today is your day. Nikkie de Jager, better known by her YouTube moniker NikkieTutorials, hasn't been quite as active in some of the more notorious drama as say, hmmm, Jeffree Star, James Charles, Tati Westbrook, or Jaclyn Hill... but recently took a moment to possibly throw a little shade at one of the world's most famous makeup artists: Pat McGrath.

Pat, best known for her groundbreaking eponymous makeup line, is a beloved and highly respected figure in the beauty by makeup enthusiasts, beauty bloggers, and newbies alike. But Nikkie doesn't seem as fond as the rest.

On March 25, Nikkie posted a fun new video where she shows off just how she makes her YouTube tutorials look so pristine, discussing everything from her lighting setup to her camera settings. In the video, she also gives her followers a peek at the extensive makeup collection she uses when creating her videos. Everything is pristinely organized, from piles of nude glosses to "fake lashes for an entire town and their family."

It's when she's going through eyeshadow palettes that Nikkie lets a little shade slip regarding Pat McGrath Labs. "It's time to spill the tea a little bit. Sometimes when I don't like a brand as much, I put another brand on top of it," she says, while she actually hides the Pat McGrath Lab's palettes with a Morphe one. "Someone was very rude to me in my face once and then I decided to 'un-stan.' Goodbye," Nikkie says as she covers them up.

The shade of it all! The moment, albeit brief, was deliberate enough to make us think that something definitely went down between Nikkie and Pat but she doesn't elaborate further and moves on to showing off her lip glosses and continuing her studio tour.

We don't want to draw conclusions about what may have happened between the two, but it's very clear Nikkie is no longer a fan of Pat McGrath Labs! To get the full picture, Teen Vogue has reached out to Pat McGrath Labs for comment and will update this story if we hear back.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue