Nikki Rees Shows the Wonderful Thing That Happened to Her Body When She Gave Up Dieting

Diets were once seen as necessary evil for a fit body-thankfully, those days are gone. More and more people are realizing that healthy eating is all about balance, and that means not counting calories, villainizing certain foods, and cutting entire food groups.

Instagrammers are a huge part of this movement, posting photos and captions that prove dieting isn't all it's cracked up to be. The most recent? This one from fitsagrammer Nikki Rees.

The photo is split into a before and after, two years apart, both labeled at the same weight. The difference between the two: When the "before" photo was taken, Rees would feel guilty if she ate something unhealthy, and the guilt would derail her motivation to eat well and exercise, she explains in her caption. By the time she took the second photo, she had given up dieting and started eating a more guilt-free, balanced diet.

As a social media fitfluencer, Rees posted this Insta after getting a lot of questions about her eating habits. "I know it's not what you want to hear but the reason I don't really talk about it ... is because there's nothing really to tell," she wrote. In reality, she doesn't track her macros or rely on fasting and eats cake "more days than not."

Rees has joined other Instagrammers who have used transformation photos to show that staying fit doesn't mean putting yourself through dieting hell. Others have shown how trading cardio for weights can lead to better abs. In her post, Rees emphasized that there was an important mental transformation beyond the physical one. Healthy eating absolutely has an effect on your health, but harboring guilt if you're not perfect does too (that's why we love the more sustainable 80/20 rule). Here's to more transformation photos that promote balance over restriction.