Nick Jonas Shares His and Priyanka Chopra's Couple Name, and It's LOL

Photo credit: Gary Gershoff - Getty Images
Photo credit: Gary Gershoff - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

If you haven't already been very charmed by Nick Joans and Priyanka Chopra's courtship-the double dates! the social media PDA! the dancing!-firstly, how is that even possible? And secondly, prepare to be converted to Team Priyanka and Nick.

During an appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Friday night, Nick opened up about their engagement. He said:

We did this beautiful Roka ceremony…It's a confirmation from both sides of the family that they approve of the engagement. There's some beautiful prayers and a connection just for the family to have a chance to meet and hang out and get to know each other. It's really incredible. We both left that ceremony so full of joy...For she and I, I think it was just nice to have that time with the family first. Have that private moment then be able to share with the world afterwards.

But more importantly, when asked if they have a celebrity couple name, Priyanka chimed in-from the side of the stage-yelling "Prick!" And Nick confirmed: "She likes Prick," but then added, "I don't like that one that much."

Ahhhhh LOL. While one can understand his reservations with the nickname, I personally defer to Priyanka on all things and can get behind it. Thoughts?

Watch the clip here:

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