Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Hosted a Blowout Musical Night Before Their Wedding

Photo credit: @priyankachopra - Instagram
Photo credit: @priyankachopra - Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

Hello, good morning, and I hope that you weren't foolish enough to think that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were done sharing details about their wedding, because I have a feeling that they are just getting started.

Yesterday the newlyweds-it's reported that they had a Christian ceremony on Saturday and are having a Hindu ceremony today-shared photos from their Mehendi ceremony, in which the bride gets hennas a day or two before her wedding. But the blowout pre-wedding celebrations didn't stop there: Priyanka just posted about the couple's Sangeet, which is a traditional pre-wedding Indian celebration that involves singing, dancing, and performances.

It looks like Nick and Joe Jonas performed songs, Priyanka did a dance with her mom, and even Sophie Turner was up on stage doing an Indian dance. Basically, this was a fire party:

Priyanka shared the pics with a sweet message, writing:

It all began as a fierce song & dance competition between the families but ended, as always, as a huge celebration of love. Nick and I were looking forward to the Sangeet (musical evening), another pre wedding ritual.. and to see what each side had put together. And what a performance it was. Each family telling our stories through song and dance, filled with lots of laughter and love. We were both filled with gratitude for the effort, the love and that laughter and will carry the memories of this special evening for the rest of our lives. it is an amazing start to a lifetime of togetherness for our families and friends.. #grateful

And just in case you didn't think that this wedding was lavish enough, the couple also had a huge fireworks display after their wedding ceremony yesterday:

And also had a very lush-looking team bride versus team groom cricket match:

Photo credit: @priyankachopra - Instagram
Photo credit: @priyankachopra - Instagram
Photo credit: @priyankachopra - Instagram
Photo credit: @priyankachopra - Instagram

Basically, this wedding is really putting my Bat Miztvah to shame.

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