Nick Cannon Explains Why He Has So Many Children

Nick Cannon finally revealed why he's chosen to have so many children. Well, sort of.

The television personality has become the butt of the joke for his unconventional family–he shares 12 children with six women–and now he's opening up about his reason for fathering so many.

During an interview with Laura Berman, a sex and relationship therapist and podcast host, on a recent episode of The Language of Love with Dr. Laura Berman, Cannon revealed that he once had a vision that led him to his virility.

Ultimately, most of his kids were unplanned. Looking back on his past, he even joked that if you'd told him 10 years ago that he'd be a father of 12 today, he would've said, "F--k out of here! There's no way in the world..."

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But Cannon's had "deep moments" in which he's been "communing with spirits," which he compares to "manifestations or even...visions" that showed him the way.

He continued, "You get them in pieces, or they're fragmented." They never come to him like a "Father Abraham conversation," like when God promised to make Father Abraham the "father of many nations" in the bible.

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"I've never heard that clarity, but I heard that like, 'Yo, you're gonna be a father of many. There's gonna be your great influence, your lineage, your offspring are gonna do great things,'" Cannon said.

Now, he's of the opinion, "The more, the merrier!"

So far, Cannon, 42, shares his children with ex-wife Mariah Carey, Abby De La Rosa, Alyssa Scott, Brittany BellBre Tiesi, and Lanisha Cole.

As of now, he isn't expecting any new kids in the future—at least not that has been made public—but he has said previously that he'll be letting God decide when it's time, so who knows!

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