Nic von Rupp Surfs Incredible Aveiro in New 'Portugal Back to Back'

Nic von Rupp's series about surf travel, "Portugal Back to Back," is has us hooked when season two launched about a month ago.

The Portuguese big wave surfer just released the fifth episode and this time around he's continuing his quest for beautiful places and epic waves in a national nature reserve called Ria de Aveiro, aka the Portuguese Venice.

In the latest episode, von Rupp surfs fun and super glassy waves in a beautiful place with "perfect peeling lefts and rights."

Von Rupp captioned the episode above:

"Clean swell lines, uncrowded line-ups, pristine sandy beaches. Aveiro is a mesmerizing surf expedition where Nic Von Rupp gets off the beaten track and escapes usual spots to explore these often-overlooked waves.

"This new Portugal Back-to-Back ride takes Nic along the region’s beautiful estuary — a national nature reserve called Ria de Aveiro — and through the gorgeous architecture of the town and quaint canals that have earned its “Portuguese Venice” moniker.

"On top of it all, Mr. Von Froth investigates one of Portugal’s last great surfing secrets, finding perfect beach-break peaks with no one around."

At the top of the episode, von Rupp says:

"This time we're in Aveiro, a lot of people don't take Aveiro as a surfing destination. It's a little bit off the track of the usual surf trip."

But, although he says Aveiro isn't really known for surfing, he says it's not because lack of the waves.

"There's great waves here. There's plenty of beach breaks equivalent to some of the best beach breaks in Portugal," he explained.

Now press play above for a 10-minute trip to a place you'll probably want to add to your bucket list.


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