Your next Sony camera could have a gargantuan sensor inside

 Sony A7 III.
Sony A7 III.

Quick Summary

Sony have announced a huge 247MP sensor.

That marks one of the largest sensors on the market, though there is currently no indication of it being used in a camera.

While it's far from the only barometer for the best cameras on the market, sensor megapixels certainly play their part. We're simple beings, after all, and big-number-equals-better-photo is definitely a pleasing concept.

It's not entirely without merit, either. Medium Format cameras are becoming more and more popular, thanks to the higher resolution afforded by those huge sensors.

Now, news has emerged that Sony have created a whopping 247MP sensor. The report, shared by Amateur Photographer, suggests that the sensor is made for industrial use – but that won't stop anyone from wondering about potential uses in the photography world.

Cutting through a torrent of technical jargon, the Type 4.1 sensor sits just a hair shy of 65mm diagonally. That's a gargantuan size – especially when you consider that full  frame cameras utilise a 35mm sensor, and the APS-C cameras which are more popular these days are even smaller again.

An effective pixel count of 247.04 million is achieved with a 19240 x 12840 resolution. That's capable of a 5.3fps rate, which is pretty impressive. Colour and Monochrome versions of the sensor will be available.

Having that kind of resolution lurking under the hood would be a frankly ludicrous prospect. I recently got hands on with the Leica SL3 at the launch of that camera in Wetzlar, Germany. That packs in a comparatively weedy 60MP sensor, but could still endure a full 100% crop without losing definition or detail.

The prospect of a sensor over four times more detailed is tantalising. I can imagine shooting a wide angle landscape scene, only to crop into a tiny portion and still enjoy stellar resolution. While it sounds like a cool party trick for now, it could change workflows for photographers quite drastically.

Of course, it's all speculative for now. We'll just have to keep our eyes peeled for details of what may be coming in the future.