The newest way to propose is with a ring hidden inside of a bath bomb

The newest way to propose is with a ring hidden inside of a bath bomb

The newest way to propose is with a ring hidden inside of a bath bomb
The newest way to propose is with a ring hidden inside of a bath bomb

It seems like engagement proposals are getting more creative every year. While some opt for an extravagant gesture, like planning a choreographed routine or programming a Super Mario Bros. game, others may want to do something more intimate — like organize a very romantic bubble bath. A company called Pearl Bath Bombs took the idea of unique wedding proposals and paired it with the current bath bomb beauty trend. Imagine dropping a bath bomb into your tub and discovering a ring inside! It’s cute (AND much safer than if a ring was hidden inside of a cheeseburger.)

The idea for Pearl Bath Bombs came to be when Tessa Medlock’s fiancé proposed to her with a ring hidden inside of a DIY bath bomb. When word spread of her extraordinary engagement, others wanted their own ring bath bombs. According to the website, each one comes with a gold, rose gold, or silver-plated ring, plus a redemption code that gives you the chance to win a ring valued at $100, $1,000, or $5,000.

The bath bombs are made in the USA with natural ingredients. They start at about $15, so while they may not contain expensive bling, it’s still a super cute way to pop the question.

There’s even one inspired by Game of Thrones!

mother of dragos
mother of dragos

Check the rest of the bath bombs out, here.

The post The newest way to propose is with a ring hidden inside of a bath bomb appeared first on HelloGiggles.