Newborn Miniature Horse Learning How to Roll in the Dirt Is a Breath of Fresh Air

There's no doubt that having animals around can be healing and rewarding, but let's be honest, it can be entertaining, too! Whether it's a dog who has the zoomies or a farmyard friend calling out to say hello, animals big and small have so many ways of making people smile.

Even if you don't need any proof, you'll want to take a minute to watch equestrian @katievanslyke's priceless April 25 TikTok video. The horse owner was delighted to watch her smallest resident--miniature horse foal Squirt--learn how to roll in the dirt. After all, a horse has got to learn how to scratch an itch! The baby's tiny legs make this movement feel less than natural, but it's not long before he gets the hang of it.

OMG--I can't stop laughing! Poor little Squirt looked like he was just flailing around at first, but he really did master the art of rolling after a minute or so. But now it has me wondering how long this baby horse has been trying to roll over and scratch an itch! It can be so frustrating not to reach an itch, but this resourceful little lad figured it out for himself. Good job, Squirt!

Related: Rescued Miniature Horse Is Melting Hearts With His Whinny

"I feel privileged to have witnessed Squirtle's first full roll," gushed commenter @silentwing. I know exactly what you mean! Watching a baby animal grow up can be so gratifying, even if you're simply watching from the other side of a screen. And it's so generous of Katie to share these moments with us, too. This horse owner is busy caring for all of her four-legged friends, and it's a wonder how she has time to post all these videos her 3 million followers wait for every day.

I think my favorite part of the video happened when Squirt finished rolling in the dirt and ran to tell his mom of his accomplishment. He was so proud of himself, and I'm sure she was too!

Why Do Horses Roll in Dirt?

Rolling in dirt seems like an odd behavior for a baby miniature horse, but is that really the best way to scratch an itch? It sure is! Wild horses would often find themselves in places where they couldn't use anything around them to scratch their backs, so rubbing on the ground was the next best thing.

Sometimes, though, horses roll on the ground as a way to leave their scent in the area. This is a part of horses' natural communication systems, just like it is with dogs. So if your horse rolls in the dirt somewhere new, you now know why!

There are several other reasons why horses roll in the dirt, and now that Squirt has figured it out, he can join in. Welcome to the herd, little guy!

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