Newborn Arrives with Arms Outstretched After 4 Days of Labor: He's 'the Chillest Baby,' Mom Says

After four days of labor and an unexpected C-section, Angel Taylor’s newborn son, Sullivan, was more than happy to enter the world.

Taylor, a 33-year-old mother of three from Bremerton, Washington, expected to welcome the baby boy in mid-March. But after a routine check-up found that Taylor’s blood pressure was dangerously high, doctors told her she needed to deliver her baby a week early.

“We went home and totally ran around like chickens with our heads cut off — we thought we had another week!” Taylor tells PEOPLE. “I didn’t have the car seat in the car, I hadn’t finished packing.”

Taylor was admitted to the hospital on Monday, March 5 with no dilation, so doctors began giving her very small doses of pitocin, a hormone used to cause or strengthen labor contractions to induce childbirth. However, because Taylor had given birth via C-section in the past, doctors were concerned that she would suffer uterine rupture if labor was induced too aggressively.

“[The doctor] knew it was going to be a slow-going process and he didn’t want to be too aggressive with the induction. He wanted us to be safe. He didn’t want me to rupture and he didn’t want the baby to be stressed out. He purposely wanted it to be a slow process.”

Taylor remained in the hospital for days and was only dilated four centimeters by the evening on Thursday, March 8.

“It was definitely an emotional process,” Taylor tells PEOPLE. “It was so long and so hard.”

When delivery began Thursday night, Taylor learned she’d have to give birth via C-section.

“It was really hard for them to get him out. He was really stuck in there,” she says of baby Sullivan. “It turns out I had a lot of scar tissue in my lower uterus and it was very tight and it wasn’t opening up so he was kind of stuck in that.”

Finally, at 11:24 p.m., Sullivan arrived. The little boy gave a wide smile and stretched his limbs as doctors lifted him from his mother’s womb.

“I thought it was just so funny because he would be like that in my belly, he was always stretching. We’d tell him, ‘You’d have so much more room to stretch if you just came out!” And when he came out, that’s exactly what he did. It was a big relief. We were worried how he would do … He was in really good shape!”

After spending a few days in the hospital, Taylor got to take Sullivan home. Now, she says the baby fits right in with the Taylor crew.

“He is the chillest baby. He is really sweet and very calm. He hardly ever cries. He just loves to snuggle and is just very sweet,” she says. “My older kids love him and are just always wanting to hold him. He’s just fitting right into our family — like he’s always belonged.”

Taylor has shared her pregnancy journey in a vlog on YouTube titled Making Baby Taylor. The story of Sullivan’s birth was first shared on Love What Matters.