That 'Neverending Story' Scene in 'Stranger Things 3' Was Extremely Controversial

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

From Men's Health

Warning: Spoilers for Stranger Things 3 ahead.

The finale for Stranger Things 3 has a lot going on, and if you didn't catch everything that happened, well, you wouldn't be alone. But one moment that everyone definitely noticed is that Dustin/Suzie rendition of the Neverending Story theme song.

How could we forget? It comes at the most inopportune time: Hopper and Joyce are waiting underground in a secret Russian bunker, desperately in need of the code that will help them get through a locked gate so they can turn off the giant laser machine that's keeping the portal to the Upside Down open.

There's one small problem: The code is Planck's constant, a number that Murray thought he knew and wrote down for the bunker team—but it's wrong. Nobody else knows what the number is...except for, potentially, Dustin's mysterious Camp Know Where girlfriend Suzie. All along, everyone thought she was made up, but along she comes, over the radio waves from Salt Lake City. When Dustin gets in touch with her via his giant Cerebro contraption, she's delighted to hear from her "Dusty-Bun." (Ew.)


She won't give the number to him—who cares if the world, and Hopper and Joyce particularly, is waiting—unless he sings Limahl's "Never Ending Story" (you know, from the movie) with her.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

Cue a lot of disbelieving grimaces from the rest of the Stranger Things crew, who are hearing this would-be-sweet-if-it-weren't-an-emergency duet over the radio:

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

Finally, after the admittedly beautiful song (Gaten Matarazzo, who plays Dustin, and Gabriella Pizzolo, who plays Suzie, sing in perfect harmony), Suzie gives Dustin the digits of Planck's constant, which allows Hopper and Joyce to finally open the gate. Phew!

People on Twitter were quite polarized by the whole thing. Some loved it:

Others, not so much, pointing out that it wasn't exactly a great time to fly their fantasyyyyyyyyyyyy:

At least Eleven liked it:

Okay, Mr. Clarke liked it, too:

If you want to relive the glory of Dustin and Suzie's romantic moment, you can listen to it on Spotify:

And if you'd like to karaoke along yourself, here's the original music video for "Never Ending Story."

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