"Never Have I Ever" Season 3 Ending, Explained

"Never Have I Ever" Season 3 Ending, Explained

*Major spoilers for Never Have I Ever below!*

Season 3 of Never Have I Ever dropped on Netflix on August 12, continuing to tell the story of Devi's life, love, and pursuit of happiness portrayed throughout the past two seasons of the comedy series. From Daxton to Desvi to just plain ole Devi, the season 3 finale of Never Have I Ever commences with Devi realizing she’s the last one in her friend group to lose her V-card on the last day of school. Fabiola and her girl Addison have discovered their own gif-y, tech-y version of sexting, Eleanor has found unexpected love with Paxton’s BFF Trent, and Devi is reeling amid her most recent heartbreak at the hands of typical mama’s boy Des, who ended things with Devi as per his mother’s not-so-friendly 'Devi-is-unstable' warning.

The last nine episodes of season 3 — and the last two love triangle, character development-filled seasons — have all led up to the last day of Devi’s junior year at Sherman Oaks, which comes with the new dilemma about where she should spend her senior year, the development of Bevi’s enemies-to-friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-friends-again arc, and Paxton’s graduation speech.

Actress Maitreyi Ramakrishnan who plays Devi revealed on August 3 that filming has wrapped on Never Have I Ever season 4, but before we think about that, we must first wrap our heads around the ups and downs of season 3. So without further ado, let’s dive into the Never Have I Ever season 3 finale and what we can expect from season 4: Devi’s senior year.

Devi toys with the idea of boarding school

Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix
Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix

The episode starts with Devi’s principal presenting her with an offer to attend Shrubland School, a boarding school in Colorado, for a one-year program during her senior year. While Devi has preconceived notions of what her senior year should be (think: Sherman Oaks, the trio, and fun senior year-tivities), Shrubland could be her ‘in’ to Princeton. After receiving encouragement to explore the opportunity from Ben, Kamala, Dr. Ryan, and even Nalini, Devi and Nalini visit the school that turns out to be total hippie-meets-scholar vibes in the middle of the Colorado mountains (students call teachers by their first names, perfect “disrespectful nonsense” for Devi, in the words of Nalini). The visit ends with Devi deciding to take the leap and embrace being a “nerd” by attending Shrubland and focusing on her academics — at least for now.

Paxton delivers commencement speech about Devi

Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix
Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix

After Devi returns home, it’s time for graduation and the sendoff of Paxton, Trent, and the rest of the Sherman Oaks seniors. Due to popular vote, Paxton takes center stage and delivers the farewell speech, which, contrary to the crowd’s wishes, contains less “sexy dances” and more of a tribute to Devi. Paxton explains how she showed him he was more than just the popular guy and taught him how to push himself in ways that helped him to grow as a person. While Daxton is over, his heartwarming speech touches Devi in the audience, wrapping up their lovers-to-friends arc in a heartfelt bow.

The Devi-Paxton-Ben love triangle makes a comeback… kind of

Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix
Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix

After the ceremony, Ben overhears Devi verbalizing her decision to go to Shrubland, and despite his prior encouragement, he tells her that he doesn’t want her to go because he’ll miss her in a rare display of non-hatred-leaning feelings. Like clockwork, before Devi can respond, Paxton interrupts the moment to hug Devi, leading Devi to tell him that he’s not the only one who grew from their relationship. Devi explains that Paxton got her through the death of her dad by “being a dream.” But is it time to wake up?

Devi chooses to live in the present

Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix
Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix

On her walk home from school, reality hits Devi like a truck (or the iced latte that she threw in Des’ face), as she begins to realize that she spent so much time focused on her future and being popular that she neglected her present. While Princeton, fitting in, and getting the boy have been the dreams that carried her throughout high school, Devi realizes that she must cherish what she already has: her mom, her best friends, and being her true self. By the time she arrives home, a pile of tears in Nalini’s arms, Devi has decided to stay at Sherman Oaks for her senior year. Alongside Devi's maturation, her dream has seemingly evolved.

And it all ends with “One Free Boink”

Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix
Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix

In episode 9, Devi expresses her fear of eternal virginity to Ben, which ends in him giving her a slip of paper that reads “One Free Boink,” the last resort for if she ends up alone on her “deathbed.” Less than a week later, after Devi decides to finish out high school at Sherman Oaks, she finds herself at Ben’s doorstep. The finale ends with Devi presenting Ben with the “One Free Boink” coupon, a kiss, and lights out.

What does this mean for Never Have I Ever season 4?

Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix
Photo credit: Lara Solanki - Netflix

Will this next chapter follow her awakening from the dream? Or will Devi fall back into chasing a fantasy? Devi’s realization at the end of the finale points toward a future where she begins to grow up and face reality, and drift away from her need for popularity.

In terms of Devi’s love life, now that Paxton is off to college and Devi has burnt bridges with Des (and Nalini with Rhyah) — and the not-so-ambiguous Boinkgate ending — it’s safe to assume that season 4 will follow Bevi giving it a real shot. But, in true Devi fashion, there will definitely be at least a few bumps in the road to her latest love affair.

Before Ben and Devi’s kiss, Ben asked Margot, a “punk rock” looking student who he met in the school’s art room, on a date, which could mean a new love triangle for Devi in season 4. Devi and her friends will also be tasked with college decisions, and in Devi’s case, whether or not she gets into — and chooses to attend — Princeton. Either way, what we do know for sure is that there’s a lot in store for the fourth and final season of Never Have I Ever.

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