Nestle Tollhouse Is Selling Espresso Morsels With Actual Coffee In Them

Photo credit: Nestlé Toll House
Photo credit: Nestlé Toll House

From Delish

Being a coffee drinker is part loving the flavor and part needing that boost of caffeine. Personally, caffeine doesn’t affect me, so I drink it solely because it tastes good and has become a morning ritual. If you really enjoy the taste like I do, then you’re going to want to pick up a bag of Nestlé Toll House’s new Espresso Morsels.

Forget the typical chocolate chips and switch up the next thing you bake! There’s no limit to what you can put the Espresso Morsels in. Maybe you want to use them in cookies or brownies, or even sprinkled on top of your ice cream. We bet there are very few desserts that wouldn’t work with the chips.

The morsels, which look very similar to chocolate chips — so be careful! — are made with real coffee, as well as cocoa and milk, among other ingredients. You can pick up the Espresso Morsels at Walmart, or order them online so you can spend less time shopping and more time thinking of what you’re going to mix these into.

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