This Nerf Gun Vacuum Picks Up Those Pesky Darts After A Full-On Battle

Photo credit: Hasbro
Photo credit: Hasbro

From Delish

If you’re reading this, you’re either a kid or you were a kid. Whichever one it is, chances are that you are one of your siblings have had a Nerf blaster that brought out the competitive side in your entire family. Prepare to be very jealous of kids these days (feel old yet?), because the Nerf Elite Dart Rover is doing what we all had to do manually.

Let’s be real: The most annoying part of playing with a Nerf gun is that once we were out of ammunition (aka darts that would stick to windows and mirrors with their suction power), we had to pick them up. As much fun as it is unloading a whole round on your brother or sister, it was a straight pain to collect them all again. That’s where this handy gadget comes into play.

The Nerf gun picker-upper is basically a vacuum that sucks up darts. It can retrieve up to 100 darts at a time and includes a mesh bag on the back where they’re held. The rover uses nonslip rubber wheels and an adjustable handle to fit your height. Just make sure you only use it indoors, as that’s what it was designed for.

You can order our own Nerf Elite Dart Rover on Amazon for $29.99. Some buyers have noted that you shouldn’t expect to roll it over a bunch of darts at once and have it pick every single one up, but it certainly makes the result of a Nerf gun war more manageable. Now that we think about, we’re not sure if this is more of a gift for kids or their parents …

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