Neighborhood Kids Raising Money for Golden Retriever's Vet Bills Proves There's Good in the World

October 2, Orlando, Florida. A beautiful Golden Retriever named Stevie was hit by a motorcycle in front of owner Marisol Serrano's house in Mid-September.

Stevie had a punctured lung and fractured ribs, and spent six days in the vet clinic's ICU unit. As any dog owner can imagine, the bills for this hospital stay were pretty extensive.

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From, "Meanwhile, back in the neighborhood, Stevie’s fan club was working on a plan. The kids put together a good old-fashioned lemonade stand. But they upped the game by posting a QR code for anyone who wanted to make a drive-by donation. Then they sealed the deal with pictures of the adorable golden retriever wearing her trademark bandannas.

Jules was the first to come up with the plan. “I felt really bad, so I wanted to help. And I told my mom about the idea, and she said it was a good idea.”

On Sunday, the kids presented Stevie's owner with the money they selflessly raised to help this beloved neighborhood dog, $403.

"When they gave me this money, and they came to the door, I just started crying," Marisol said. The article also states that Stevie is still on medication, but she is healing every day.

What an amazing story. There's nothing better than people coming together to help a neighbor, especially when it's a neighbor as adorable as Stevie.

Not only did these kids help a dog in need, they also learned a wonderful lesson in empathy and caring for a living creature that needed their help. You just can't ask for anything better.

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