Nathan Chen's Winter Olympics 2018 Men's Short Program Leaves Fans in Shock

"I didn’t see anyone hug Nathan Chen and now everyone in that building and I are fighting"

Olympic skater Nathan Chen of Team USA took the ice during the men’s short program at the 2018 Winter Olympics on Thursday, February 15, and it was difficult to watch. Nathan, who’s the first skater ever to land 5 quads in a single program, had a shaky performance, falling out of nearly all of his jumps.

Nathan, who followed a flawless program by Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan, fell out of his first jump and continued to fumble throughout his entire short skate. He was one of the most anticipated skaters of the evening, and unfortunately, he wasn’t able to cleanly land his jumps and score the points needed.

“He’s going to have to fight really hard in the long program,” said commentator Johnny Weir. “He did not get down into the ice and use his knees."

Nathan scored an 82.27 in the short program, landing him near the bottom of the night’s skaters. Skating fans (and the Internet in general) were devastated by his falls, and they took to Twitter to express their sadness.

Of course, Nathan still has time to make a comeback — and this is the 18-year-old's first Olympics, so we’re pretty sure this isn’t the last we’ll see of his greatness.

Want more from your favorite Olympians like Nathan Chen? Check this out: Training for the Olympics Actually Involves a Lot of Sleep

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