Naomi Campbell Alleged She Was Denied Entry to a Cannes Film Festival Event Because She’s Black

In a new interview, famed supermodel Naomi Campbell alleged that she was denied entry to a Cannes Film Festival event because of "the color of my skin."

The model, who has frequently spoken out against racism she's experienced throughout her career, told Paris Match that she had been invited to a recent Cannes Film Festival event. She didn't name the hotel where the event was occurring, but Naomi alleged she was denied entry, saying, "[The doorman] did not want to let my friend and I in because of the color of my skin. The guy at the entrance pretended that the place was complete. But he let other people pass. It is for these kind of shocking moments that I will continue to express myself and make myself heard."

She told Paris Match that "the word diversity" might be more ingrained in our society, but racism was and continues to be an issue in the fashion industry. "I have always wanted people to be treated fairly," she said. "Do not believe that it goes without saying. The challenge is permanent."

In 2016, Naomi shared with Teen Vogue some of the discrimination she experienced as a model working in the industry. She said that she used to bring her own hair and makeup materials to set, saying that stylists often didn't understand how to properly do her makeup or hair. And in 2018, she called for the creation of a Vogue Africa, saying, "Africa has never had the opportunity to be out there and their fabrics and their materials and their designs be accepted on the global platform. It shouldn't be that way. People have come to realize it is not about the color of your skin to define if you can do the job or not.”

Although NYLON pointed out that Naomi has been a face of progress in the industry, even landing her first beauty campaign with NARS, it's apparent that more work is needed to make the fashion industry more inclusive and diverse.

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