Nano brows: Here's everything you need to know about the microblading alternative

nano brows
What is nanoblading? getty - Hearst Owned

You're probably familiar with microblading; the semi-permanent brow procedure that involves making tiny incisions to create faux, full-looking arches. Well, I'm here to tell you microblading is *so* 2016. Nanoblading is the new eyebrow treatment on the scene.

If (like me) you spend a lot of time doing your eyebrows in the morning, nano brows could be a handy way to trim some costly minutes off your makeup routine. Wake up with perfect brows? It sounds almost too good to be true.

To see whether nanoblading was really worth the hype, we asked an expert for their take on the new 'It' brow treatment and got all the deets you need to know about what nano brows entail and whether it's right for your eyebrows.

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What is nanoblading?

As the name might suggest, nanoblading involves tiny blades – well, needles to be exact – that create faux teeny tiny hairs by dispensing pigment that will leave your brows looking fuller.

It's ideal for those patches that refuse to sprout hairs, no matter how diligently you apply brow serum.

What's the difference between nanoblading and microblading?

If you're debating which route to go down, we got the low-down on how the two brow treatments differ from an expert. Handing you over to her to explain:

"Microblading and nanoblading are great options to create semi-permanent hair-like strokes," says Jaimineey Patel, Head Of Training at Blink Brow Bar. "One of the main differences to consider is the results and the look you want to achieve. Microblading uses a manual handheld tool that looks like a blade, these are tiny needles packed in the form of a blade, which then create the strokes. Nanoblading involves a machine with a single-point needle allowing more precision and accuracy, creating detailed hair strokes. Therefore, a more natural look!" she adds.

Obviously, this doesn't sound exactly pain-free, but don't fret, there's numbing cream involved. However, Patel says it's worth noting that "Nano brows can be mildly uncomfortable in comparison to microblading due to the single-point needle".

How long do nanoblading results last for?

Nanoblading will set you back more cash than your trusty brow product (nano brow treatments at Blink Brow Bar start from £500), but the good news is that it will stick around for longer as a result (as one would hope).

"Nanoblading can last up to three years—though the timeframe is largely dependent on the pigment colour, depth, ink type, intensity of work, and the client's skin," says Patel.

The good news is that nanoblading works for all skin tones and hair colours, too.

Are there any side effects to nanoblading?

While side effects to nanoblading are rare, they can't be ruled out completely (this is beauty, after all).

When it comes to factors to be aware of, Patel says "After nanoblading, the brow colour may be darker than expected, this will settle as the skin heals. People may experience temporary redness, swelling, soreness and minor discomfort immediately after the procedure, this is due to the skin being treated and blood rushing to the surface, but this will calm down."

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What to know before going for your nano brow appointment...

As we've mentioned, nano brows are not cheap, so to get the most out of your arches, you need to follow some crucial steps.

"You shouldn’t have any Botox within two weeks of your appointment. Chemical peels must also be avoided a month before your appointment. The area should not be tanned or sunburned the day of the appointment, also avoid waxing, tweezing, threading, or tinting the area within a week of the appointment. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and exercise prior to the treatment," says Patel.

There are also some key pointers to remember when it comes to aftercare, too. "We recommend the dry healing process, whilst keeping your brows clean. You need to clean the brows gently with sterile water and dry them gently by blotting them with a clean cloth or a cotton pad, remember no rubbing will remove the pigment," says Patel.

She adds "Be careful with your usual skincare, avoid the brows when washing your face – you don’t want any chemicals on the brows. Certain skincare ingredients can speed up the fading process, especially while they are healing. Avoid makeup, touching, and picking, however tempting. Activities that can cause excessive sweating, steam, sauna, and direct sunlight can all affect the healing stages, so it's best to wait until the brows are fully healed."

Blink Brow Bar nanoblading treatments start from £500 BOOK HERE

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