Nancy Pelosi Makes Meme Gold at the State of the Union

The State of the Union went along as planned on Tuesday night after a weeklong delay, and, as expected, most viewers reserved any and all positive reviews for Stacey Abrams’s rebuttal and witnessed Trump’s address to be something of the same old strange rehashing of rhetoric typically traced back to Stephens Miller and Bannon. But something else happened on Tuesday, beyond border talk and lack of brio: Nancy Pelosi, clad in suffragist white, greeting the president from her seat behind him as Speaker of the House, became an instant meme. Caught by cameras mid-clap, eyebrows seemingly arched just so, the Speaker managed to convey so much more than the usual rote welcome. Below, some of the Internet’s best reads of the moment, ranging from the Real Housewives-related to, yes, the “Baby Shark” song, and even a final call from Pelosi's daughter, who recognized the clap very well:

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