Nail Experts And Dermatologists Are Sharing The Most Common Mistakes They See Their Clients Make

We often pay close attention to our skin and hair health, but what about our nails? I'm the first to admit that I often neglect my poor nails and am lucky if I remember to do the bare minimum by applying hand cream once a day. So it's safe to say my nails can use some TLC — and I'm sure I'm not alone here.

a girl saying, "Yikes"

Whether you're someone who never leaves the house without their nails done or someone who rarely gives their nails a second thought, there is likely something you're skipping out on or doing too much of when it comes to your nail care. I spoke to a few experts — including dermatologists and nail specialists — to find out more about common mistakes people make when it comes to their nails. Here's what they had to say:

MISTAKE #1: Overcutting your cuticles.

a nail tech cutting a customer's cuticles

"Plus, the cuticle protects the nail matrix — the specialized skin cells at the base of the nail — which are responsible for producing new nails. Overcutting can lead to permanent nail deformities," Dr. Zeichner said.

MISTAKE #2: Not letting nails dry in between applying coats of nail polish.

a person polishing their nails

MISTAKE #3: Improper removal of hangnails.

an up-close shot of a person's hangnail

"Hangnails are more common in colder, dry weather which is why I am seeing so many of these lately as the weather has gotten colder in NYC. Be sure to give your cuticles daily TLC with a cuticle oil," Dr. Stern added.

MISTAKE #4: Being too rough with your nails.

a person filing their nails

"When filing nails, go for a gentle, rounded shape to reduce the risk of snagging and breakage. Avoid using your nails as tools for opening packages or scratching, as this can weaken them over time," Dr. Narkiene told BuzzFeed.

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MISTAKE #5: Using tools to clean under your nails.

nail tech using a stick to clean nails

MISTAKE #6: Over filing and buffing your nails.

a manicurist buffing a client's nails

"Avoid buffing and filing your nails too much as extensive buffing and filing can lead to thin and weakened nails. Overzealous buffing can also lead to inadvertent damage to the skin surrounding the nails," explained Dr. Zeichner.

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MISTAKE #7: Not moisturizing your hands and nails enough.

a person rubbing lotion onto their hands

"Moisturizing the nails can improve brittleness, nail splitting and even ridging of the nails. While you may not realize it, everyday activities like hand sanitizing can dry out not only the hands, but also the fingernails," Dr. Zeichner added.

MISTAKE #8: Using pure acetone to remove nail polish.

a person taking off their nail polish

MISTAKE #9: Not taking vitamins to help strengthen your nails if they're weak.

a person reading the back of a vitamin bottle

"Sometimes nail health comes from the inside out, so staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet can not only help your overall health but your nails as well," Rianna added.

MISTAKE #10: Never visiting a dermatologist for nail concerns.

a doctor with gloves on looking at a patient

MISTAKE #11: Forgetting to exfoliate your nails.

person looking at their hands

"When your skin is dry and peeling you reach for the exfoliant to get rid of the dead cells in order to allow for maximum absorption of your skin care. The same concept is true of the nail," said Dr. Stern.

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"If you were to look at a nail under the microscope you would see that there are layers of damaged, dehydrated nail cells — this is why the nail peels, splits, and even why polish doesn't always go on so smoothly and has more of a tendency to chip. Essential exfoliation or removing the aforementioned damage is key," she added.

There are many DIY remedies for exfoliating nails at home, such as this viral TikTok tip that suggests using AHAs and glycolic acid along with a moisturizing lotion to exfoliate your nails.

MISTAKE #12: Not protecting your nails from water exposure.

a person washing dishes at the sink

Ultimately, everyone's nail needs are different so if you have any specific questions about your nails, it's best to consult with an expert.