The Nail Color Tweak Every Woman Should Make at a Certain Age

It was a sad day when we learned that age could be told not only by your face, but by all the sneaky spots we coincidentally forget to target with an anti-aging arsenal of creams, serums, retinols, and SPF.

In reality, it’s also your neck, ear lobes, elbows (yes, elbows!), hair, and hands that make your age clock tick a little louder. So what now, do we give up?

Did Elizabeth Taylor give up love after her first seven marriages? No way, Nancy! She found a charming construction worker named Larry and headed to the chapel. And so we shall beat on.

Here’s what we know: Hands are one of our biggest age tells. As we get older, the skin starts getting thinner, making our veins more apparent. Meanwhile, constant exposure to the elements—think sun damage and general wear-and tear—quickens the development of wrinkles and sun spots.

There are plenty of tweaks that can help a sister—and her hands—out, and we’ll get to preventative measures later. But for now we’re talking about aesthetics. Namely, your manicure.

Southern gals love a fresh coat of nail polish almost as much as they love sweet tea, SEC football, and Mama (she made us say that), but there’s one nail color tweak every woman should make after she turns 50. If you’re feeling like your mittens could use a youthful boost, consider trading that vampy purple or jet black nail shade for a fabulous new shade at the other end of the spectrum.

Dark polishes, particularly stark black, run the risk of making mature hands appear less youthful, especially when it comes to cool-toned shades like deep navy, bluish reds, and wine purples. These exascerbate any skin dullness or dark spots caused by sun damage that you might be worried about.

The older you get, the more you want to focus on flattering nail shades that bring a youthful glow back to your mani. Think iconic nudes like Ballet Slippers or Bubble Bath, pops of color like Revlon Red or Cajun Shrimp, or trendy hues like taupey Chinchilly or terracotta-inspired Rocky Rose.

Let's face it: OPI Lincoln Park After Dark and Essie Bordeaux will never truly go out of style (no matter your age!). Call these all-time best players up from the bench whenever you'd like. Elizabeth Taylor always did as she pleased, too.

Want to go the extra mile? You can start protecting and refining your hands on a daily basis. We recommend Supergoop! Forever Young Hand Cream with SPF 40+ for everyday coverage and SkinCeuticals Neck, Chest, and Hand Repair for the ultimate youth boost.

WATCH: 13 Nail Colors for Fall to Try When You’re Ready to Ditch Your Summer Manicure

Now that your digits are about to experience a major awakening, it’s time to pick your next color. Funny Bunny, perhaps?