How to Nail Color Combinations in Your Home

From House Beautiful

In a way, asking Rayman Boozer to talk about color is like asking a fish to describe water: “I’ve just never been afraid of it,” confesses the designer, founder of Apartment48, of his deft ability to mix hues. Boozer’s penchant for bold punches of color (and, too, for more subtle combinations) earned him the nickname “the Color Guru” years ago, and the label has stuck. But, as willing as he may be to reach for the extreme ends of a paint deck, Boozer knows well that not all homeowners are as comfortable as he is with the full color wheel. That’s why we asked him to break down some of his most valuable knowledge about color. Because, as Boozer says, “I always remind clients that color is the least expensive update you can make to completely change a room.” Convinced? Read on for Boozer’s advice on decorating (smartly!) with color—and don’t worry, pastels count just as much as jewel tones (and there’s even some advice for neutrals).

1.Establish the mood

At its most basic, Boozer says, color is emotion. And that’s what truly establishes the mood of a home. When decorating, think of the feel you want to evoke from a space, then use color to get there. “I always start with a design story or narrative that I use to justify which colors to inject,” says Boozer. “For example, terra-cotta is a great place to start for a warm and earthy vibe; pinks are an excellent representation of youth and vitality.” It’s for this reason, the designer says, that “color is absolutely woven into the design process from the very beginning.”

2. Ease yourself in

Although it’s never been an issue for him, Boozer admits: “Sometimes the hardest part of embracing color is getting past the initial trepidation!” His suggestion? Start with a less saturated hue, then gradually habituate yourself to bolder colors.

3. Consider tone and saturation

...which brings us to our next point: Of course you know there are (vastly) more hues in the world than just the ROYGBIV seven. So why do people tend to say they outright dislike an entire color? When looking at color, you’re actually considering many variations, such as tone (the lightness or darkness of the hue), saturation (the brightness), and whether the hue skews warm or cool. So, while you may think you don’t like green, you may just have an aversion specifically to, say, a bright lime but feel differently about a cooler, deeper sage.

Photo credit: Courtesy Rayman Boozer
Photo credit: Courtesy Rayman Boozer

4. Think in layers

“When implementing colors, it is all about layering,” says Boozer. This allows you to, in a sense, corral your colors into various stories throughout a home. “In design school we were taught to think in groups of three,” he shares: base color, secondary color, and accent—though the designer admits he goes way beyond that in his work. “It’s a good place to start but too rigid for my work presently—I always strive to add as many colors as makes sense.”

Still, the three-layer rule is a good method for combining colors by ensuring they relate:

“In one recent project, I used gray as a neutral base in every room; all the larger elements—like the walls, sofas, dining table, and counters—are gray and serve as a foundation around which to layer on other colors,” Boozer says. “Then, blue is used as the secondary color that triangulates around the room, from the built-in bookshelves to the dining chairs to the accent wallpapers. Given the close relationship between the grays and blues, I freely used multicolor accents in the rug, artwork, and accessories.”

5. Bring in personality

“Color palette sets a tone for a room and, particularly in your home, sheds light on your personality. You can walk into a new space and instantly learn something about the inhabitants without speaking a word,” Boozer states.

“Absolutely anything that inspires you can also inspire color!” he continues. “My personal passions include travel and fashion, so in my own home design, I set out to achieve a bohemian, world traveler vibe with layers of colors and patterns that reflect my favorite brands and locales.”

Photo credit: Nick Parisse
Photo credit: Nick Parisse

6. Look to nature

“There’s a reason the most popular favorite color is blue,” says Boozer. It’s what makes up skies and water, and humans are almost hardwired to relate to it. While it might seem overly simplistic to write off color preferences as animalistic instincts, it’s true that many of the things that feel “right” to us in design are rooted in nature (see what Alexa Hampton has to say about human-centric scale). If you’re having trouble with color pairings, looking for hues that appear together in the natural world is a good place to start.

7. Don’t forget your neutrals

If you’re using a neutral base, it’s important to consider light. That will dictate if you want a warm neutral (greige, beige, yellow-toned grays) or a cool one (slate-toned grays, blue-tinted whites). Make sure to test your colors at different times of day, cautions Boozer, since the same hue can look completely different in various lights.

8. Go for the overlooked

The most underrated color, according to Boozer? “Purple. It’s also the hardest to sell to clients,” he admits. “But when you take the time to explain that purple is the color of royalty and passion, and show examples of its many occurrences in nature (sunsets and seascapes, for example), opinions begin to change. It’s a brilliant color. And it works so well with gray, pink, and even green. Used correctly, it’s one of the most pleasing colors in design.”

Boozer is also a fan of some unexpected combinations: “I love navy with hot pink, and red with pink,” he says. “While not your traditional pairings of complementary colors, these combinations provide a unique twist on popular shades.”

Putting a twist on the norm is something of a Boozer staple—and one he encourages more people to try. “The color wheel serves as an essential tool, but it should never be used as a crutch,” he says. “Knowing when to break the rules is just as important as knowing the basics themselves.”

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