'Mystery Animal' Caught on Trail Camera Has Imaginations Running Wild

Officials have yet to uncover the mystery animal's identity.

Spending time outside in nature has its perks, and wildlife encounters can certainly be one of them. Some visitors in the Rio Grande Valley State Park had a different kind of encounter, though, when their trail camera caught something on film that they couldn't identify. They sent the tape to the Texas Parks and Wildlife team, who then released it to the public in a popular Facebook post.

As you can imagine, the mystery creature has everyone talking. Guesses are pouring in front left and right as to what animal it is, though some of our favorite guesses are more entertaining than accurate.

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OMG! Once we saw the mystery animal in question, we understood why everyone is so interested in its identity. It looks like a species we've seen, but can't quite put our finger on!

"Clearly a Chupacabra," joked viewer Jeremy Haldeman. But of course--why didn't we think of that? The Chupacabra is a legendary creature that feasts on the blood of livestock and other animals, though we can't say that we're convinced that's what we're looking at here. We've always pictured the mythical creature much larger!

Rose Steele's guess was a wolverine, and we think she might be onto something. Wolverines have recently been spotted outside of their normal habitat in Oregon, though never as far south as Texas.

Luckily, the Rio Grande Valley State Park provided an update that could lead in the right direction. It's definitely not a wolverine, but it probably is another rare animal--an American Badger!

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