Searching for a Soothing Corner of the Internet? The “Gentle Hair Dos” Instagram Will Provide

Try as we may to unplug, zombie-scrolling on Instagram is an inevitable reality of isolation for many of us. The best we can do to make it worthwhile is curate our feeds so that we're mostly following accounts that spark joy—or, better yet, creativity. For this Vogue editor, Gentle Hair Dos, an account dedicated to "therapeutic hair styles," has been doing just that, in spades. It's become a constant source of both attainable and aspirational beauty inspiration for me during this strange time. The account not only captures the subtleties, nuances, and sheer beauty of different hair textures through enthralling, editorial close-ups (think: an Irving Penn close-up or striking detail shot from backstage), but also the experience of hair, from running a comb through it to tying it up and topping it off with a dreamy bauble. "For me, images that capture the way we touch, manipulate, style and move our hair, and bodies, create an emotional and sensorial response," explains creator Lindyl Crabb. "You can imagine the weight, the feel, the shine, and that's incredibly soothing."

It was two years ago that Crabb, a Sydney-based writer and editor, first made the Gentle Hair Dos profile, but she'd been sitting on the idea for much longer. "The name existed in my mind long before the account did—I love the word gentle, and I appreciate gentleness," explains Crabb. "I'd spend hours scrolling through Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr looking at old editorials and campaigns and runway shows, and I found that I was saving images of the beauty looks and close-ups of women's hair." When cultivating images, Crabb seeks to find a balance between new and old magazine editorials, fashion shows, and images sourced from people's personal Instagram accounts. "I want it to be more than a mood board," she says. "I want it to be community, and the way people wear their hair every day is the best inspiration." To keep it visually cohesive, Crabb is keen on posting in threes, each trio honing in on a singular hairstyle, pose, or hair accessory.

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Bottega Veneta Spring 2009
Photo: Getty Images

With its visual throughlines, the larger narrative is certainly palpable, but it’s still easy to wonder: What constitutes a "gentle" hairdo? "It could be hair in its [raw] state, just naturally beautiful in color or texture or energy," explains Crabb. "But it could also be visually tactile, or appear effortless, or take you back to the way you did your hair when you were 10, or [it could] have been styled by hand in the most artistic or joyful or graceful way." For Crabb, gentle is more of a feeling, not defined by color, texture, or length; this concept continues to expand over time as she discovers more women, photographers, and hair stylists.

In this emotionally taxing time, Crabb hopes that Gentle Hair Dos' soothing and calming theme can offer some respite. "Lately I've reduced my news intake because the exposure was having an impact on my sense of hopefulness and happiness," says Crabb. "I've turned to reading fiction, listening to podcasts that make me smile, and searching social media for visual inspiration—consuming things that don't weigh me down. I hope Gentle Hair Dos can contribute to that peaceful mind balm for someone. "

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Originally Appeared on Vogue