How Much Should You Tip UPS and Amazon Delivery Drivers During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

The coronavirus pandemic and social distancing mandates have restructured the world as we know it. But as we’re ordered to stay indoors, there remain thousands of employees, including UPS and Amazon delivery drivers, risking their lives each and every day as they continue to serve communities.

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Package delivery drivers continue to work on the frontlines, delivering the goods we need. To best determine how to show gratitude and appreciation for their hard work by leaving a tip, we spoke with Diane Gottsman, a national etiquette expert, author of “Modern Etiquette for a Better Life” and founder of The Protocol School of Texas.

According to Gottsman, the proper way to tip Amazon or FedEx workers, especially those who have gone above and beyond, is to leave a few dollars, with $5 being the minimum.

“Tipping $5 to $10 is a kind way to show your appreciation,” Gottsman said. “It’s all individual and based on what you can afford, but package delivery drivers are going to great lengths to keep you safe.”

If you can spare some money without breaking the bank and want to thank a delivery driver for bringing a package unharmed to your door, Gottsman recommends adding more to your tip.

“$5 is a good minimum, but if you want to go above that, leave $10 in a note outside of your door clearly marked for the driver to take,” Gottsman said.

Industries across the nation have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Many workers have already been furloughed or laid off entirely. Supporting these businesses is now more important than ever. Here are small acts of kindness that can be done from your home during the coronavirus pandemic.