How Much Does It Cost To Have Marie Kondo Tidy Up Your Life?

Photo credit: Marie Kondo
Photo credit: Marie Kondo

From House Beautiful

Ever since Tidying Up with Marie Kondo dropped on Neflix on January 1, I have tried to KonMari everything. I emptied out my closet, only to feel like Marie Kondo organizing a Caboodle when I tried to fit everything back. Desperate, I did what any self-respecting adult would do: I googled how to actually hire Marie Kondo to help me fix this mess.

The organizing queen, who has sold over 5 million copies of her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has created a global phenomenon based on donating or tossing anything that doesn't "spark joy." Her ethos of cherishing your items and the commitment to clean has spawned a community of fans all around the world.

Unfortunately, you can't hire Marie Kondo personally anymore. She's too busy building her empire of joyful Hikidashi boxes and assorted other projects. But you can hire a one of her KonMari consultants. They are trained at her conferences worldwide and are ranked on how many homes in which they have successfully sparked joy. Kondo speaks at the three-day event, which includes hours of tidying tips and client services.

One platinum-ranking member charges $100 per hour, with an additional $50 travel fee. Areas with higher demand will command higher fees, but you can hire lower-ranking members to save money. All consultants must have properly KonMari'd their own house to even apply for training, so you can trust you're in good hands.

Interested in starting your junk journey? You can compare rates of over 200 consultants at

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