What Movie Scene Never Fails To Cheer You Up When You're Down?

When you're sad because — oh, I don't know — the world's aflame, sometimes it's nice to rewatch a movie scene that makes you feel joy.

Walt Disney Pictures

So, with that in mind, what movie scene never fails to cheer you up when you're down? One you find yourself watching whenever you need a laugh, a smile, or just to feel a little better?

Universal Pictures

Maybe you find yourself going back to the sword fight scene in The Princess Bride again and again because something about it feels like a familiar, warm hug:

Or perhaps when you find yourself in need of a good cry — from laughter — you return to the plane scene from Bridesmaids:

Heck, maybe some days you just need to watch Terry Crews in White Chicks singing Vanessa Carlton's classic "Thousand Miles" with his whole heart:

Share the scene and a little bit about why it makes you feel better in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post and/or video!

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