The Mountain's Strongman Comeback Included a 1,006-Pound Deadlift

HAFTHOR "THOR" BJORNSSON, the Icelandic strongman better known as "The Mountain," is officially back in the strongman arena. The former World's Strongest Man winner took part in the Arnold Strongman Classic 2024 in Columbus, Ohio over the weekend, his first official strongman competition in almost four years.

Bjornsson has been away for some time, but he proved on Saturday that his famous strength hasn't gone anywhere. In the Elephant Bar Deadlift event, he pulled 1,006 pounds, coming first place in that category, securing his 13th career win at the Classic, and was congratulated by event founder Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. (The Elephant Bar is designed to be longer than a standard bar, in order to accommodate extra weight.)

While 1,006 pounds is obviously a staggering deadlift, it's not the heaviest on record, and nor is it Bjornsson's own personal best. He actually holds the world record for the heaviest elephant bar deadlift at 1,046 pounds, having set it while breaking his own previous record at the Arnold Classic in 2019.

The overall winner of the Arnold Strongman Classic 2024 was reigning WSM champion Mitchell Hooper, but Bjornsson's fourth-place spot on the leaderboard proves that he is still very much a contender. There is also some talk of him attempting a new standard deadlift record in the near future.

Bjornsson originally retired from the world of strongman in 2020 in order to pursue an array of other physical challenges. He dropped 100 pounds in a body transformation that saw him lean down dramatically and shred his abs in a pivot to boxing, eventually knocking out his fellow strongman-turned-fighter Eddie Hall in the "world's heaviest fight."

Since then, he has returned to strength sports, setting his sights on a raw powerlifting record and documenting his progress on YouTube and Instagram as he refocuses his training once more around building strength and size, after prioritizing speed, mobility and endurance for a lengthy period.

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