The Mountain Shared a Look at His 8,000-Calorie Per Day Diet

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AFTER RETIRING FROM competitive strength sports and leaning down in a pivot to boxing, former Wold's Strongest Man champion Hafthor Bjornsson is now back in bulking mode. In a new video on his YouTube channel, the Icelandic strongman known to his fans as "The Mountain" shares a full day of eating as he prepares for the Arnold Classic.

When it comes to packing on strength and size, it's crucial that he eats enough to sustain the gains he's making in his workouts. His daily food intake amounts to just over 8,000 calories, and so Bjornsson has hired his father, Björn Þor Reynisson, to be his personal chef—because "there's nothing more boring than eating food you don't like."

He starts off with a typical breakfast of eggs and rice, which he douses with chicken stock to make it tastier, accompanied by a shake consisting of orange juice, blueberries, and skyr (an Icelandic dairy product similar to yogurt or sour cheese). "I used to drink milk with every single meal, but I think a lot of dairy, like too much dairy, caused me some inflammation," he says. "But I have skyr with every meal and that seems to be fine."

Bjornsson's second meal is a quintessential "bro meal": steak, broccoli, and rice, as well as the same fruit and skyr shake (he drinks it with every meal), and an additional sports drink to help his body replenish those all-important salts and electrolytes during a workout. "I'm a fucking massive guy, I fucking sweat a lot, and I need a lot of fucking electrolytes," he says, explaining that if he doesn't have enough salt in his diet, he gets painful cramps while training.

The third meal of the day comprises more steak, vegetables and rice with his staple juice. And as he tucks in, he explains his tactic for consuming so much without feeling too full. "When I eat, I treat this as my work," he says. "I don't stare at my phone, I just eat my food. And by doing that, I eat my food faster... and I'm able to get things done."

To tide him over between lunch and dinner, Bjornsson makes his favorite go-to snack: sourdough toast with jam, peanut butter, and bananas. "I love snacky time," he says. "I eat plenty of calories throughout the day, but the way I'm able to snack throughout the day is incredible."

For dinner, Bjornsson's wife Kelsey prepares ribeye steak, green beans and even more rice. And then later that evening, as he winds down for the night, it's time for his final meal of the day: steak, avocado, mixed vegetables and yep, that's right: more rice.

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