Mountain Bike Season May Be Winding Down Out West, But In The Southeast, It's Only Ramping Up

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Winter is all but upon us in the western United States. Though, it isn't really ski season yet, the bitter cold and flurries of snow have set in marking, for many, the end of mountain biking until 2024.

However, while we hole up out west, riders in the southeast are just getting warmed up. Windrock Bike Park in Oliver Springs, Tennessee is open all year and locals will tell you that winter is the best time to be there.

Take a look at this clip from a Windrock staple, Jordin Bouldin, below.

Windrock underwent a surprising and major change last month when it was announced that champion World Cup racer Aaron Gwin and his wife finalized the purchase of the park.

The reception to Gwin taking the helm at Windrock has been positive and his proposed plans for expansion are music to the ears of riders everywhere. Gwin and company are planning to double the size of the park and add a number of infrastructure updates.

As the snow currently falls outside my window I think more and more about booking my own ticket to Tennessee. I'm sure as this persists, more and more riders from this neck of the woods will be thinking the same.

Related: What's In Store For Windrock Bike Park Now That Aaron Gwin Is At The Helm?

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