Mother of triplets celebrates her stretch marks with powerful post

Desiree Fortin is candid about her pregnancy journey on her Instagram account (Photo: Instagram.theperfectmom)
Desiree Fortin is candid about her pregnancy journey on her Instagram account (Photo: Instagram.theperfectmom)

Desiree Fortin’s journey to becoming a mother wasn’t an easy one, but she wears her “battle scars” with pride and wants other mums to do the same.

The mother of triplets Charlize, Sawyer, and Jax, recently shared a powerful post online about her stretch marks and how much her body changed postpartum.

“‘For every woman unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is one wishing she had them,’ I love this quote,” Fortin captioned an Instagram photo she posted on Tuesday where she’s showing off her belly. “I once was her, the ‘one’ waiting, wishing, hoping to be a mother.”

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“For every women unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is one wishing she had them.” I love this quote. I once was her, the "one," waiting, wishing, hoping to be a Mother. Finding out I was finally going to be a Mom was one most incredible feelings. It didn't matter whether I was going to give birth naturally or have a cesarean (however you do it, you’re amazing). And it didn't matter that my body was going to change drastically. I was finally going to be a Mom, a Mom to triplets! And although I never imagined my body would look the way it does now, it represents so much more. There is a lot of extra skin, stretch marks, sag and wrinkles. And while my new Mom body may be hard to love sometimes, it is a new me that represents the power of the female body and the miracle of carrying three babies. As I have shared before, I call my postpartum marks my "Hope wounds" and they have taught me a greater meaning of self-love and appreciation for my body. I think that it is important to change our Mom body perspectives. There is empowerment for yourself in loving yourself. Our postpartum marks are stories of hope, stories of love, and sometimes stories of loss. There is so much beauty in our Mom bodies because above all they represent life, our children, and the undeniable love we have for them. For the "one"somewhere wishing, hoping, praying for her miracle, this is for you. For the one who delivered and lost your baby, I know these are all you physically have left of your angel. You are strong mama. And to all the Mama's struggling to love themselves: you're beautiful, strong, and may you be empowered to love yourself a little more today!! Choose to change your perspective because your beautiful! Bra/Undies: @knix >>> the most incredible bra and underwear I own!!! P.S EXCITING NEWS Next week I leave for an amazing Body + Love Workshop by @sarahsapora I’m so excited to be surrounded and inspired by an amazing group of people all supporting each other! I will be share more details in my stories 💕

A post shared by Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Sep 17, 2018 at 2:24pm PDT

The 32-year-old from San Diego, California, was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). She and husband Ryan struggled to conceive naturally, so they turned to fertility treatment.

“My journey to become a mom was harder than I thought I would be,” Desiree tells Yahoo. “After about a year at our clinic we fell pregnant through IVF. We used two eggs, both took, and one egg split, giving us our triplets. We have two boys (identical) and a girl.”

Because her story is one of hope, Fortin calls her stretch marks “hope wounds” and says that learning to appreciate them has given her a greater appreciation of her body and what it’s been through.

“After delivering my triplets, my body changed a lot,” Desiree says. “There are more wrinkles, lots of skin that just sags, and not much I can do about it. But I wanted to change my perspective and see the beauty in everything left behind after my c-section. And doing so, has really allowed me to embrace my body for what it is now.”

Fortin says that when she looks at her stretch marks now, she sees her three hope babies, her “hard journey to become a mom, and the miracle of carrying children. And there is so much beauty in that.”

When Fortin and her husband first found out they were expecting triplets they were shocked, as they were told there was a five percent chance of their eggs splitting.

“Initially our doctor told us we were having twins, which felt doable because my husband and I are both twins. Then she paused and said ‘there is a 3rd heartbeat!’ It was dead silent,” Desiree remembers.

After carrying the babies to 34 weeks and one day, the triplets arrived by c-section in August 2015, and were taken straight to the NICU.

But during recovery things took a turn for the worse, when Fortin says she started hemorrhaging.

“Blood clots the size of golf balls were coming out of me. My uterus was not contracting back,” she wrote on a Sept. 13 Instagram post about her birth story. “‘We need to get in the OR now,’ my doctor said. Then she turned to my mom and said ‘You need to find Ryan. And pray. She has lost a lot of blood.’

“My birth story had some hiccups. I’m thankful for my life, for my doctors and nurses who saw me through my delivery that day,” Fortin writes.

The mother has been sharing inspirational and super-relatable posts with her 55,000 Instagram followers and hopes people will be encouraged to love themselves more.

“I think a postpartum body journey requires a lot of a grace and a new perspective,” Fortin says. “We need to appreciate our bodies and embrace them and I think that also births a new confidence within.”

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