Mother’s Day tea with a gift on tap at the Walk In Art Center in Schuylkill Haven

The Walk In Art Center’s Fiber Arts Guild is preparing for its Mother’s Day event, “Tea and Towel” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 11. Enjoy a catered tea from Hess’ Catering, as well as mimosas and coffee, and leave with a lovely handmade gift for mom.

“The Fiber Arts Guild has been wanting to hold an event similar to the Clay Haven Pottery Group’s Souper Bowl event,” said Jacquie Engel, WIAC director. “Pairing art with good food is always a great idea.”

The Fiber Arts Guild consists of more than 30 members who weave, knit or crochet. The “to-go” gift is a handmade kitchen towel — woven at the center in Schuylkill Haven —a knitted dish cloth and a crocheted scrubbie.

Those attending will enjoy their lunch then can choose which style of towel and dish cloth they like.

Much like creating all the bowls for the Souper Bowl, weaving towels is a great way for weavers to practice their skills and create unique patterns.

“The array of different colors and styles is amazing,” Engel said. “How they can create them with these antique-looking machines is incredible.”

Tickets for the tea event are $25 and are available at by clicking on the Event Registration button, or people can call the WIAC business office at 570-732-3728.

Find out about these events and other WIAC guilds, events and expos, art classes, vendor opportunities and family events by visiting or at