Make The Most Out Of Trader Joe's Visits By Following Its Fearless Flyer

Two women shopping at Trader Joe's entrance
Two women shopping at Trader Joe's entrance - Krblokhin/Getty Images

How do we love Trader Joe's? Let us count the ways. From unique and seasonally rotating products, its signature Trader Joe's free samples, affordability -- even as grocery price tags skyrocket -- friendly store staff, and items with cult followings, there are about a million reasons to be a TJ's devotee. Trader Joe's prides itself on a quirky, different kind of shopping experience down to the Hawaiian shirts its cashiers wear and the hand-drawn art in each store.

Another feature that sets Trader Joe's apart from the big box retailers is its Fearless Flyer, an in-house publication coming out at regular two-month intervals, that hearkens back to the detailed catalogs we all used to love flipping through. You'll find text-heavy pages, Victorian-inspired illustrations, zany copy, and illustrative, encyclopedic-style descriptions of new and upcoming products plus tips on how to use them.

With everything going on in a typical, bustling Trader Joe's store, don't sleep on picking up the Fearless Flyer. You won't find sales here -- the store doesn't do them -- but you will stay in the know about products you need to add to your list and creative ideas for how to enjoy them.

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Use Your Flyer To Discover New Products And Recipes

woman shopping at Trader Joe's
woman shopping at Trader Joe's - Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

The Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer is a far cry from the front-of-store coupon brochures you see at the supermarkets or find tucked in the weekly paper. This publication is more of a store-specific newspaper. Or, to quote the Trader Joe's website directly, "Is it a newsletter? A catalog? A comic-book? Yes, yes, and perhaps even yes!" And indeed, it's not quite like any other grocery store literature you'll find.

Flipping through recent issues you'll learn of seasonal goodies new to Trader Joe's stores, like its crop of pumpkin treats, tasty recipes, and tips on how to pair Trader Joe's products (vegetable gyoza plus frozen stir fry vegetables, anyone?) along with a hearty dose of wise-cracking copy and its signature puns and wit in every section.

Trader Joe's can be overwhelming, especially at rush hour or on the weekends; it's a popular place, after all. And if you're in a hurry to get in and get out, it pays to read up with the Fearless Flyer and even use it to help craft your shopping list and meal plan for the week. You can have it delivered directly to your inbox by signing up for emails on the Trader Joe's website or receive it snail mail-style. For the full, quaint experience, grab a physical copy at your local store which are, as its tagline states, "As always, free. And worth every penny." It's the easiest and most entertaining way to stay up to date on the latest and greatest at everyone's favorite grocery store.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.